Words from the Guide on "We" and "I" in the Qur'an

Oct 02, 2007 15:56


Allah is everything; He is the single;
He is the many; He is the Royal We;
He is the We; He is the I;
He is the woman; He is the man.
He uses the language which is right
for each circumstance and for each
person. He does what we need.
Sidi went on to speak of Allah's
Greatness and His Qualities quite
extensively. Then Sidi said that
'Allah appeared for Musa one way, and
for Isa another, and to Ibrahim yet
another way.'

2) Then a chat with Amany (Sidi's
interpreter)...She added the following
'When Allah addresses His being in
singular form it is in intimate
conversation (as with his prophets
and messengers); when in the plural,
as in the 'Royal We' it is to the
people at large. When we find the
use of the word He, in Arabic Huwa
(pronounced Hu), it refers to the
most mystical dimensions of Allah,
those that we as mere mortals cannot
grasp. And the Name Allah includes and
encompasses them all.'
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