Long time with no updata

Aug 24, 2007 13:23


This summer:

I have been looking for work, so far unsuccessfully. This is terribly depressing. My fall classes have now started and I have encouragement again from something I'm good at.

Sh. & I moved across town to a newly refurbished, smaller apartment --insha'allah lower power bills! It's darling, cozy, lots of natural light, and a safer neighborhood.

We have had lots of problems with the place, though: weak AC, toilets backing up, etc. The landlord has been helpful, nothing like one of my favorite NYC memories, the dreadful rumors that went around about our red-bearded Hasidic mobster slum-lord.

I breaked recently on only the front wheel of my bike, causing the wheel to stop and the rest of the bike to rotate around it, rotating my face into pavement hard enough to break open skin and subcutaneous fat under my chin. I got a dozen stiches in two layers, one of which is supposed to dissolve inside my body after 45 days.

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