Well, Just called the place about the truck and its looking like the same thing as last time. The carburator. It was acting the same way so not really surprised. Should be much cheaper this time though.
But anyway, thought instead of waiting til the last minute and avoiding the boss, I would call the Ray and let him know in person.
RAY-so hows everything going?
ME-not so good called the place and told me its the carb again. (described how it was acting)
RAY-oh so does that mean you are taking a cab tomorrow?
ME-Uh, no. It means I wont be there.
RAY-*grunts*well, we really need you here.
ME-Ray, Im not paying 30 to take a cab when I would be making 45. Just give me a personal day. Look, I know I am screwing you over and I am sorry about this. Really.
ME-Maybe I can get someone to bring me in at 6 but then get Austin to drop me off home at noon?
RAY-*gruntsagain*No we need you here til 230.
RAY-Wouldnt it be cheaper to pay the cab(this from a man who BEGS and steals any personal day he can from me.
ME-No, its just not worth it.
RAY-Well, what about a bus?
ME-Dude, I have never even seen a bus around here. I have no idea where the closest one even runs. I like in the burbs, man. And before you ask, I couldnt walk either. Its a 20 minute drive so what...like a 2 or 3 hour walk???
RAY-Well, when will it be done?
ME-They said hopefully Monday or tuesday
RAY-Well, we will see you mon then.
RAY-Oh no, you will be here if you have to rent a car.
ME-Umhm, bye