Daily Progress Report 11

Oct 25, 2008 01:16

Straw No. 1: Non-chewed
I was hungry when I woke up and drank finished the packet of Vitasoy rather quickly. Luckily, my sleepy mood did not cause me to commit a mistake (e.g. chewing the straw).

Straw No. 2: Partially chewed
Opps, I was just taking the straw out from the plastic wrapper and my friend caught me biting the straw! However, I did not further chew the straw during the drinking process, so I guess it is not so bad right? After all, I just bit it to make sure the straw will slip out of my mouth.

Straw No. 3: Non-chewed
I went to drink my Vitagen during the commerical break time and threw it into the trashbin immediately to prevent myself for unconsciously chewing the straw when I am watching my drama.

Monetary reinforcers earned: $20
Punishment: skip 100 times

This is the final day of my treatment program. Even though I did not fully accomplish what I set out to do, there is nevertheless improvement in my straw chewing tendencies. In particular, the number of excessively chewed straws have decreased tremendously and also, there is a bigger proportion of straws that is non-chewed, especially when compared to the baseline phase whereby there is no record of a single non-chewed straw. Therefore, I am still rather proud of myself and believe that I will be able to not my chew straw if given more days.

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