Daily Progress Report 6

Oct 20, 2008 00:35

Straw No. 1: Partially Chewed
I unconsciously started to chew my straw again until my friend alerted me of my unglamourous behavior! Opps.

Straw No. 2: Non-chewed
I was extremely thirsty when I reached home so I gulped down the Vitagen drink quickly and threw it away before I had the time to chew the straw. Heh.

Monetary reinforcers earned: $10
Punishment: skip 100 times

Yeah! I managed to not excessively chew one straw today. I hope I will be able to resist the urge to chew my straws over the next couple of days. In addition, from today onwards, I will only receive the monetary reinforcers for non-chewed straws and not partially chewed straws as mentioned earlier in the design and implement a program section. Hopefully, this can further motivate me to not chew my straw!
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