Daily Progress Report 3

Oct 17, 2008 00:03

Straw No. 1: Partially Chewed
On my way to the MRT station this morning, I was drinking my packet of Milo. As I was thinking about my to-do list, I started to chew my straw! Boo. I must stop getting distracted by other stuff when I am drinking!

Straw No. 2: Partially Chewed
I was drinking my apple-carrot juice as I walked to my lecture theatre. It was only until when I wanted to throw away the drink that I realized the straw was already been chewed on. Faints.

Straw No. 3: Non-chewed
During dinner, I was drinking my soyabean drink when my friend, Julyn, suddenly reminded me not to bite my straw. The rest of the table started to talk about the HP320 blog and this made me very conscious of my behavior. With good social support, it is possible to resist the urge to chew straws! My very first non-chewed straw, whee =D

Monetary reinforcers earned: $20
Punishment: skip 200 times

Yeah! Today, I not only managed to excessively chewed any straw, but also actually get pass the day without chewing one straw. Hopefully, this is not the first and last step towards success.

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