Aug 12, 2017 17:38
I have a terrible credit rating. And it matters because Im trying to buy a house. Or I should say, my boyfriend is trying to buy a house, and because I live with him, I will help pay the mortgage and thus own a percentage of the house. It sucks. I hate having to choose a mortgage. He obviously trusts his parents more than me on which mortgage to choose because they have more experience than me, and although my parents own about 15 properties, and are constantly buying and selling, they wont give me advice because the wont talk to me, so my opinions are discarded in this matter. And so I yell at him, and we have thousands of arguments. No one knows which mortagage is best to get. His parents know that and dont want to give advice but he wants them to give because he trusts them.
I hate living. Its too many decisions to make too many times, and i hate it