May 02, 2008 21:39
I know its been a while since my last post, sorry about that. Work has been keeping me hoping at a very energy draining pace. Good news is it should slow down some in the next week or so as the hospital addition I've been working on for the last 2 and a half ( god I can't believe its been that long) will be complete.
I'm writing to share notes on my latest project.
I am making Japanese garb for a friend of mine in trade for a wood chair. The challenge is that the garb is not to be made of silk. After some brief thought and a helpful chat with Nicola (BTW thanks again) I went shopping for cotton and linen. As India and Japan were trading parteners it is possible these fabrics were in use in Japan. If any one is aware of another fabric other then cotton, linen or silk that would have been used..I'm all ears. I love the colours I was able to pick up.. The Hamaka is a chocolate brown linen. The over jacket is a warm beige with an ocher lining. The undershirt is ocher as well.
I started the undershirt tonight and got farther then I expected. If I'm lucky I just might have the shirt done for fight practice on Sunday. That's the plan for the moment. THat would allow me to know if I'm working in the right direction or if I need to add more fabric. I also intent to bring an existing set of hamaka pants I have for my freind to try on.. If the existing ones fit I know the pattern I designed and am workling from will work for my friend as well.