Apr 09, 2008 21:13
SO I'm a day and a half from my first event as Event Steward and would be foolish to say thta I'm not nervous. Its not an all consuming fear, more like an alert state of mind....constantly asking myself.. what have I forgotten..what potential fires canbI extingish before they ignite and preparing to deal withthe unexpected.
However, tonight I'm feeling accomplished as the float is ready to go, along withe the prizes and tokens of thanks for the Judges.
Tomorrow night I pack the car and ..well that will be it...I've even been informed there is a set of Bunny ears set aside just for me..I'll contemplate the bunny ears for a bit and think not more on them ( thta just might be painfull).
Once this is all over I've got a long list of stuff to jump on to including:
THE AT HOME LIST ( Dad is a wonderful assitant):
Fix the upstairs toilet
Fix the hole in the kitchen ceiling directly below the toilet
Apply for a tree removal permit ( the willow has got to go)
Rework the drainage for the eves trough from the roof
Redo the basment window wells in the back of the house
Plant my flower garden in the front of the house
Plan the future landscpaing of the back yard ( for when the willow is down)
Finish next Christmas's presents ( it will take me that long)
Finish setting up my basement workshop/lab
Make garb requested by Bjorn for trade of a period chair
Finish my blue barrel armor
Paint my hearldry on my "Tankrad "boxes, so peopel know they are mine
Learn to use my wonderful spinning wheel
Make Viking garb
Write an article for the Ursus on the concept of the "Master Builder"
Registar for Falconry classes
With all of this stuff to do I'm just goign to have to stop watching TV..there won't be anymore time for TV..LOL
BTW for those who are wondering..my vow of no cola for the month of March flopped badly..I have some bad habits I need to massage and I'm planning to try again in May.