A problem from Computer Architecture midterm I gave:
Yaroslav decided to overclock his legacy Intel 486 DX 2 66 MHz CPU.
• He set the clock rate to 100 MHz. The processor did not work. He set the clock rate back to 66 MHz, but the CPU stopped working even at the specified rate. Explain as fully as possible in at most 4 lines of text what happened and why.
• Yaroslav went to the flea market and bought another 486 DX 2 66 MHz CPU equipped with a large copper heat sink. He set the clock rate to 100 MHz, but the CPU did not work. However, it worked at 75 MHz. Using propagation delay analysis, explain what was happening with CPU at 66MHz, 75 MHz, and 100 MHz. Write at most 6 lines of text.
One of the replies to the first part:
"...the CPU could not handle the clock rate and began making errors; the errors build up heat on the CPU and causes the circuit to overheat..."