2007 in review

Jan 01, 2008 23:48

Okay, at first I didn't want to do this because I haven't written that much, but what the hell, I can at leats post the links :) After two years of not writing fic, I think I can be proud of managing to write seven fics in half a year. And 2008 should be more productive.

In alphabetical order:

Confidence (Teyla/Elizabeth)

Early Mornings (Daniel/Elizabeth)

Explorations (Vala/Teyla)

How Life Changes (Janet/Elizabeth)

I'll Still Be There (Vala/Elizabeth)

Infinite Possibilities (Sam/Sam, Sam/Janet, Sam/other)

Mutualism (Jolinar/Sam/Martouf/Lantash, In The Line of Duty AU)

5 times femslash
2 times het
~16,000 words
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