as if this computer isn't slow and sketchy enough, acrobat reader is being a bitch.
the last two questions for the awakening? erm.. call me please at my house number..
WHY ISN'T THE TOWNSON APPLICATION LOADING? why don't any applications load?
why do i just not want to go to towson?
Other schools i'm looking at:
boston university
bridgewater state
brooklyn college
city college of the city of new york
nyu (?!)
university of hartford
~~~college park~~~~~~"reach school"~~~~~ (reach very very high)
west chester university "safety"
I think that's all very...I dunno..don't applications cost money? money i don't have?! my mom's only paying for two applications. ahh.
could someone please drive me to xcountry today? <3
why are all my friends so perfect and up on everything and i am so deathly lost..
and i think frank's being a bit too calm
or i think i'm a bit too hyped,
APSUS work sucks a rat's ass.
[EDIT] It loaded, and it doesn't look too bad. their demographics give me hope. and there's no essay required. kinda. i'm actually sort of looking forward to essays. cause guess what? i have nothing to lose!!! my grades really suck! yay! so i'm going to go all-out (WHAP DBQ-style) - not flippant, but know my style. (not the serf style..) but umcp's essay? that's a party..
[EDIT] we often cite another simple fact, that 80% of our freshman have a 3.0 or higher ?!?!?!?! hmmm.
the 3.88 average GPA, i don't understand, that's weighted?! is it?! i have that, easily, this is the most confusing thing i have ever read.