I feel persecuted again

Nov 02, 2006 11:50

cafepress.com, one of the awesomeest sites I've seen, sells bumper stickers and tshirts and the like by the billions.
Many of them hilarious.
They have 287 pages of GLBT stuff! At 30 images a page! That's...a fucking lot! Over 8600!
Reading GLBT stuff, though, always makes me feel like a white with black ancestry in the 60's. I'm bi, and I'm permanently taken by a man, but I'm still not straight so I still fight for the cause. But it's not exactly my cause, entirely.

"Hate is not a family value."
"I am: Bisexual, check. Polyamorous, check. Kinky, check. Horny, check. Still not sleeping with you."
"I don't mind straight people...as long as they act gay in public."
"Focus on your own family."
"I don't care if you're straight, as long as you don't flaunt your lifestyle or try to force your ways on me."
"Hurricanes happen. Who cut the funding to maintain the levees and protective wetlands? Did God do that too?"
"Immigrant rights ARE human rights."
"The last time religion controlled politics, people got burned at the stake."
"Keep your religion off my rights."
"Pro-war is not Pro-life"
"Pro-choice is not Anti-Life"

and oodles more good ones...oh yay


bumper stickers, glbt

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