Feb 14, 2005 13:56
ok, so over the weekend i went to muskegen (sp) w/ the venture crew ppls so go on a luge trip. and so here's what happened::
after going so school and leaving early, we all met in the parking lot of the church. and i rode in the car that didnt have my mom in it. (which was w/ mr. c & b and bryan and steve.
that car was really fun. we all talked about pretty much everything.
then we stoped @ arbys and ate dinner. (i only had 2 cookies cus we kept snacking on chips the entire way there)
then when we finally got there, we just ran around forever!! and bryan also played his guitar a lot. but yeah, that was the beginning of our group thing of me, steve, bryan & alic.
later that night, when steve went to the bathroom, the rest of us just ran like hell out of the building, down the path through the woods and to the boy's cabin. (which is where we made the invisable wall that i couldnt cross and cept clawing at lol) and so i took a few dozen pictures there w/ my phone, and then steve FINALLY came back. but he didnt care. so him and alic did this narcodics bust thing which was HILARIEOUS!!! i took a movie of it, but they told me to delete it...sadly. then we were also kicking HUGE ice balls at the wall of the cabin. that was loads of fun! except for now i have a dead foot lol. then we went into the back woods and found a little dirt road that was covered in ice so we slid on that for a while.
but yeah, then i had to go bunk w/ my mom, but i stayed up most of the night texting lauren.
woke up @ around 8ish. then met everyone down at the meeting hall building thingy where we ate breakfast. but then nathen volenteered us for clean up! that retard. thats y jeff is his only friend. then we did our normal hang out session thing w/ eachother and then me and steve raced eachother through the woods, and he won....barely...lol.
then we all got into our cars (same ones as when we came up) and headed for the luge place. BUT I FORGOT MY CD PLAYER!!!! so i was stuck listening to some country station mr. c put on!!! damn! lol and i think it took about 1/2 an hour to get there cus we got lost! jesus christ! lol
but when we DID finally get there, me, steve and bryan headed right for the ice! but then we got yelled at cus we werent allowe on it unless we had skates on....fuck them! so we just kept going on it, then off, etc. lol only cus we had nothing to do cus we werent going luging so a bunch of us (including the adults) went down to lake michigan and walked along the dunes (if u could call them that). but i got a buttload of pictures there! so im happy. and then jeff and steve kept running up to where the sand was frozen into this caved shape and would jump on them and try to break them. but theyd always break when they'd least expect it, and so they'd fall. it was really funny. and i noticed that me and steve would somehow always find the other and walk together! <3 lol. but then his dad would come out of nowhere and take pics of us lol
then when we came back, bryan, matt, alic and nathen were all playing ice hockey but w/out the skates. so we joined. OMFG! THAT WAS THE BEST!!! i think just about EVERYONE who joined fell about OVER a million times!! lol and the guys were saying that this was the only time where they could hit their leaders and they could do nothing about it! so yeah, they too got bloodied up (but just a little) and mr. c said that he was proud of me and my "aggressiveness" lol and how i was wacking EVERYONE w/ the stick and throwing slush @ everyone around me! lmao it was insane! i could not believe how much fun it was!!!
then at around 6, we FINALLY went luging...it was okay. i'll admit it was fun, its just it got kinda boring after teh 3rd time down. then we also had to carry the sleds ALL THE WAY BACK UP THE MILLIONS OF STEPS!! lol so yeah, me and alic left early and sat w/ bryan on a bench inside the main cabin thingy. and then all these partents came out of nowhere and kept taking pics of all of us cus we were so exhausted and bryan was kinda sick and that made him look even more tierd..soo, yeah...
then everyone else eventually came back and here is the highlight of the night!!::
****ok, so after we got back from luging, all the guys were hanging out in their cabin, and so me and my mom went off to the main hall or whatever u'd call it. but then i got bored cus no one other than adults were there, so i headed back.
but when i got to our cabin, i saw steve sitting all alone at the picnic tables looking sad, so i went over and sat w/ him.
then we got into this big (and i mean BIG) personal talk about, well, everything. our lives, parents, bf/gf, school, and all that other jazz. and then i mentioned the dirt road that was covered in ice and how we were supposed to go back there and slide w/ alic and bryan. but instead of getting them, we just got up and headed back there ourselves. but sadly, all the ice was melted, so we just stood there and looked up at the stars. omg! they were soooo clear! and w/ the trees...u just HAD to of been there!
and then (this is my fav part lol)(ill write it like a script:
steve: o god...
me: what?
steve: (sigh) i'm gunna sound like such and ass for saying this
me: it's okay, you can say anything to me, i dont care
steve: umm, well..i...i-i like u. i really like u.
me: (w/ HUGE smile lol) i, umm, i like u a lot, too. i mean, i really do
steve: (turns to me) really?
me: yeah
then, omg! it was so great! everything around us just stoped! serieously! it was just us 2 and nothing else! it was sooo great! then we slowly walked twords eachother and just gazed into eachother's eyes....wow...i LOVE his eyes! lol then we were SOOOOOOOOOO CLOSE to kissing! but we stopped ourselves when we were just and inch apart, held that position for a few seconds, and then just held eachother and hugged for a REALLY REALLY REALLY long time! it was so PERFECT! then i said "o shit...this is gunna be so hard..." then he said "i know...but we'll make it" (yay <3 lol)
but then (of course) my mom starts calling me in cus i "dissappeared" so we hugged for one last time and said good night and went our different ways.**********<3 <3 <3 <3 lol
(but then i talked about it w/ my mom the other day, and she thinks we were having sex or something...great....shes soooo retarded!)
then everything was normal the next day. and he sat next to me at breakfast.
then on the ride home, we kept gazing into eachother's eyes....<3 lol it was jsut so great!
but then when we got to the church, and i had to get out of the car and into my moms, i rolled down the window and we talked and looked at eachother. but i think bryan is suspecting something cus i looked over steve's shoulder at bryan, and he gave me "a look" soo...yeah...
then we looked all sad when my mom had to drive off...<3
o yeah, and amanda, u can show mom that if u wanna, just as long as she knows that we didnt do "anything" back there.