♫ Sirens Pull Character Info ♪

Aug 08, 2010 00:00

Player Information

Name: Tori
Age: 30
AIM SN: thelastrobotica
email: tori.bear(at)gmail.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Robotic Unicorns told me about it while we were on the run.

Character Information

Canon Source: Aishiteruza Baby
Canon Format: Manga
Character's Name: Yuzuyu “Yuzu” Sakashita (Western Style)
Character's Age: 5

Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. Sadly she’s only five years old, and I think that might be setting a age record in this game. She is a smart little five year old though, like most manga story kids are and should be able to handle using a NV just fine. She’ll want to talk to people here and there and I have the feeling that Kippei-mama will want to find someone to child filter posts, which will be amusing.

I’d like to play her realistically and innocently as she was in the manga. I don’t really plan on having her run into anything too horrible like slavers or hunters or such. Maybe a few incidents with monsters in an unsafe place, but only with those around already to keep her safe. Natural disasters mostly, like issues with an earthquake or storms and things would be the biggest ‘dangers’ I can see myself putting her though; though that’s not to say that player plots that come up will be ignored, but more to say that I don’t plan on tossing her out in the middle of the darkness just to gain attention.

I’m aping her with Kippei because they are a pair and she will make it harder for him here, or easier. I know she can build CR in games, as I’ve played her in RP games before. Having her NV will give her access to make sure videos to rot the teeth of everyone watching.

What form will your character's NV take? It sounds silly, but her NV will take the form of her small stuffed brown bear. Mr. Bear. It will be different in the fact that it’s heavier now, and that the eyes are video cameras or holo pick up. The nose has tiny little holes in it for a speaker so when others talk to her the sounds comes from near the mouth. When she talks it will be picked up from the ears where two small receivers can be found.

On the tummy of the bear is a small screen that displays the videos and text from others. Although she wont be using the text capabilities for a long time there is a slide out mini key board just under the screen. If taken apart one would find it’s a very durable childish NV with full functioning abilities; it just comes in a soft cute teddy bear package.

Character's Canon Abilities: She’s adorable and damn cute. What more does she need?

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? She needs something strangely fast growing and powerful, that’s what! Something that will manifest fast and can be easily learned and taught how to use it once figured out. It also has to be something fitting to the little girl AND be something that fits her canonly as well.

Imagination and drawing! She draws a lot in canon, those cute adorable little drawings of crayon and sweetness. For her ability I would like her to be able to draw things to life. Not just draw it and it appears, but I want her mind and imagination to be able to bring it to life. In example! She draws a kitten in orange and lavender with red eyes, but in her mind it’s a cute cuddly kitten with orange fur and stripes. If she puts enough thought into the drawing while drawing it, a moment after it’s done the drawing will shake, and a leg will pull off the page, then another. Soon a small orange kitten will appear and wander about and around the girl, real alive and very fluffy cute. Though her drawing might not look like a perfect example of a kitten, her mind will help produce one that is very real looking when it comes off the page.

I add that she has to put her thought into it because it makes it a bit harder to do and that way not everything will come to life. I’d like to keep it to small objects, animals, and useful things that a little girl might think of, as well as monsters and things like such. No humans. I’m figuring if she draws a human it won’t come to being because she can’t get into the head or a human. No emotion on that other then what she wants. So she can’t draw her Mommy and have her come to life, but she can draw a bunny and it will work because it doesn’t have its own thoughts. This is also to keep it so I can’t amuse having copies of people walking around, as amusing as that might be. Perhaps if she were to live in the city for 20 years and learned to grow her power she could draw a human to life, but for a five year old that is a stretch.

This of course would come with draw backs. The kitten (or object) will not last forever. It can be destroyed by ripping up, breaking, burning, or just messing up the drawing in general. Another drawback would be that after she goes to sleep and stops actively thinking on the objects they will go away. So if she draws a kitten into existence and goes to sleep for the night the kitten will disappear by morning, back to paper and not able to come back to life. Drawn gifts that she might give to others will disappear by morning.

I would expect the older and longer she lies in the city the better she would be at controlling these things. The better she draws the better they live kind of things. But she’s five, so kittens and bunnies and dolls and things will be the major extent of it.

For defenses with this power, she could draw a big barking dog to protect her if she’s really scared, or draw a ‘home’ to hide in if she was lost. Draw food she could try to eat if she was hungry... though she would never be full by eating it.

Weapons: None ever! Just crayons and a coloring book!

Character History: She is five years old, so there’s a very short time span of history here. Yuzuyu was born to Sakashita Mmiyako the sister to Kippei Katakuras mother. When Yuzu’s father died her mother didn’t feel she could raise the child on her own. After striking her baby girl in anger and leaving bruises she decided she couldn’t handle it. Leaving the child in the care of her sister she disappeared; her location unknown.

When Kippei returned home from school his older sister told him he would be in charge of looking after Yuzuyu as everyone in the house needs to help pitch in and Kippei was the most irresponsible of them all. Yuzu seemed shy at first, not sure how to handle these new changes. The boy didn’t know how to take care of a child and she didn’t know how to handle being around him. The first day he missed picking her up form school she tried to walk home alone, but paused to play in a sand box. Kippei seemed worried that if he didn’t find the girl his sister would kill him. When he did find her and said they were going home she broke down crying because she wanted to go to her home and wanted to eat her moms rice balls. He couldn’t promise that, but the next day he asked his mom to teach him to make rice balls.

Through the series she faces small problems from people that always brings her back to wondering why her mom left her. An older girl who had a crush on Kippei told her that no one likes her and she was a Burden to Kippei. A boy at school talks about his mom a lot and how she makes things for him. Children at school seem like bullies when they first meet but slowly grow to like each other and become friends.

She tries to act like a big girl, saying she can walk home herself and soon disappearing and causing Kippei a fright. Her reasons for taking off are always because of others, because she wants to lift the burden from others that she seems to place on them, slowly, very slowly learning that she’s not as big a burden as people make it seem.

At one point in time, while throwing a small fit about having the day off and being so bored with out Kippei she and Kippei’s sister decide to make the boy lunch and let the girl deliver it to him. She helped make rice balls “all kinds!” and put it together in a bento. She got dressed and put a hat on and took off, all on her own. Unknown by her of course was that she was being followed by the sister, to make sure she got there safe. She asked directions of a woman (she agreed she was not a stranger) and made it to the high school. She found her Kippei Onii-chan and had a private lunch with him, fussing about being embarrassed and if the rice balls were alright or if he needed a drink. He found it completely adorable and decided to skip the rest of the school day so he could take her home.

While Kippei goes to pick her up from school he sees a woman watching the Kindergarten that Yuzu is at only to recognize her as Yuzu’s mother. Grabbing Yuzu from school, still in her school shoes and not ready to leave yet, he ran with her, looking for the woman again. He took off to the train station, catching a glimpse of her... only to watch the doors close and the train take off. The woman looked back, seeing Yuzu and Kippei and Kippei saw her but Yuzu stood by very confused.

Picking up the little girl he held her tightly, hugging her in all her confusion. “Tight hug” She told him, hugging him back, unsure of what was going on. It’s this point that the pull grasps on to them and sends them both to Siren’s Port.

Point in Canon: I’ll be bringing her from the same point as Kippei, around Volume 3, chapter 11, page 38. She doesn’t know it herself and is confused on why they ran to the train so fast, but Kippei just saw her mother and tried to take her to see her and missed by seconds. The train speeds off and Kippei picks up little Yuzuyu and hugs her tight. From there they’ll end up in the Port.

Character Personality: Caring, sweet, kind, big hearted, tender, loving, etc, etc. She's a big ball of adorable! Big eyes and pouty faces, or huge smiles and sparkling eyes. She can be loud or shy, soft or excitable; standing up and yelling a single word like ‘Yummy!’ or just cheering. She's expressive in her moods most of the time, and she's already good at pulling off a fake smile. When I say fake smile I really mean that she tries very hard not to complain, so if something bad is going on she smiles to help encourage her Onii-chan. Yuzu tries very hard not to complain because for someone her age she does realize and see just how hard Kippei is working for her.

Of course she is a child and she is prone to having small temper tantrums from time to time. When she's growing lonely and wants her mother she has been seen closing off form people and getting ‘sick’ or just displaying this incredibly sad appearance. When things don’t go the way she wants she clenches her fists, maybe holds her breath for a bit, or yelled ‘No’ in annoyance. It’s never in spite or on purpose but sometimes the emotions bubble up so deeply that they just come bursting out!

The poor dear has a serious worry of being alone or being abandoned. Her mother left her after all; she's pretty sure she was a bad girl and upset her. Because of this worry she can get a bit clingy and very shy. Because her mother loved her she worries that Kippei too will leave. When girls get closer to Kippei (Like Kokoro) she begins to worry that Kippei will forget about her. She also worries that her mommy has forgotten about her too. “Hurry back Mommy, or Yuzu will forget what you look like” is another fear of hers.

She's a smart cookie, but she hasn’t exactly learned not to talk to strangers, which has brought up a few problems in the past. She’s getting better about it now though and always asks first if a person is as stranger or not (yes, apparently she hasn’t exactly grasped that concept yet, but Kippei is working on that!). When she was approached by a girl who had a dreadful crush on Kippei she gladly talked to her. She offered the girl to pick flowers with her and even showed her that her crayons were like the flowers. The girl told Yuzuyu that she was unwanted and unloved, that’s why her mother left her and she was now a burden on Kippei.

Because of that conversation we see Yuzu go through a strange withdrawal, pulling back and becoming shy again, fearful that Kippei would leave her but also fearful to being a burden. At first Kippei managed to convince her he wouldn’t leave her and she perked up, but when the girl spoke to her again Yuzu got scared, but Onii-chan took are of the situation and later convinced her again that he wasn’t leaving and that the girl wouldn’t bother them any more. She trusts him fully with this, but sometimes she slips back into trying to be a big girl for him so she’s not too much of a burden.

Kippei started to cook and make her bento for her in the mornings, but he was never a really good cook at first. Things were a bit burnt or a little too big but she loved them more then anyone else. Why? Because Kippei Onii-chan made it for her! When a boy at school made fun of the extra large rice ball that Kippei made of her lunch she stood up and slapped the boy. She... got in trouble for it of course and she was shy, worried that Kippei would be upset. He wasn’t, of course, and from that point on he tried to make better bento boxes for her. Even after his cooking continues to get a bit better it’s still pretty bad. While the rest of the family yells about how bad it is, Yuzu smiled big and said she loved it... and then stated “It’s better then nothing” to which Kippei deflated drastically.

The girl has real depth to her, showing a very young girl who’s already experienced huge hurts in her life. She’s resilient and tends to bounce back but those scars still show up now and again. For being five years old sometimes she comes across as being very adult, having to deal with situations that no five year old should have. Confusion and loss on why her mother left, pride and love for her Kippei and the deep seeded fear of being abandoned again are all a large make of her personality, but she’s also a child like darling who hums to herself while drawing or sings random silly songs. She might have troubles but she acts like a child still.

Character Plans: As I said in the earlier “How do you plan to play her” part, I want to play her as a responsibility to Kippei (If he’s accepted; it would be pointless with out him there) and give distraction to him and his flings. I want to try and play her like the series depicts, which is a real little girl with real problems... only now she has a little weird power that will make her cause more troubles. She’s going to have mommy issues still, like in the series, and will want to know if Mommy will come here now that they have moved away from everyone ever.

She won’t really have a job of course. That will be Kippei’s problem. She’ll be put in a school or tutoring with someone, depending on how that works out ICly. She will play on her NV as often as she is permitted and even do some Yuzu TV (in other words, being brightly cute on the NV Videos and playing tea party so it’s seen. So sorry Sp world...).

I am pondering letting her get lost in the day time but only if another player wants to intervene. I’m not really into the getting her eaten by monsters thing. She’s going to get put in a daycare or school at some point so she can have those issues too! Also, if there are other kids in the port later she’d love to interact with them.

Appearance/PB: She's five years old, so she's tiny and cute with longish brown-gray thin hair that tends to be put into pony tails or side tails. Her brown eyes are large and very expressive. She will be arriving in port still in her school uniform and shoes (A white shirt and bow tie, plaid jumper and tall dark socks with her white school shoes). Though not pictured here just yet she will also have a teddy bear, though it wasn’t on her at the time. This will be her NV.

Cuteness should be preserved
With Onii-chan!

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[The video opens up with a startling image of a very young girl sitting on a floor. She’s got a drawing book on the floor in front of her and a box of large crayons. When the video winks on she smiles greatly and giggles, seemingly happy that she turned it on]

Hello Mr. Bear! [There is a brown and pink paw pad in the way of part of the screen. She reached out a tiny hand to push it away] Don’t block the screen. Yuzu can’t see!

[She giggled again, moving to roll over and lay on her belly, elbows on the floor, chin in both her hands.] Hello! Yuzu wants to play. Anyone want to play with Yuzu? [Her legs can be seen kicking back and forth behind her. She picks up a blue crayon and starts to draw, humming a childish, no rhyme or reason song.]

Kippei Onii-chan is cooking for Yuzu~ Making bento for Yuzu~ If you come play with Yuzu maybe Kippei will cook for you too! [Oh dear, making invites on her own...]

Third Person Sample
There was a lot of giggling going on at the moment. A lot of giggling and a lot of excitement, all of which she tried in vain to hide by placing her fists both firmly to her mouth. The giggles spilled through though as she failed to hide them, falling over to let the kittens paw all over her.

She had no idea how it happened! She had no clue at all! They just walked off the page one by one! It started with a single drawing of a mama kitty and her two baby kittens, both drawn in haphazard lines of green and brown with bright blue eyes. The mother was drawn in a brilliant shade of red with black eyes, though if anyone else were looking at this picture they would wonder if the two kitten blobs were trying to walk over a red hill.

Yuzu had put so much thought into her drawing today. Kittens were on her mind ever since she saw a video ad for a little of fire kittens! She showed it to Kippei, who she was sure loved the idea but for some reason said no to it. She wouldn’t ask again. Yuzu was a good girl like that. But oh how the thought was on her mind. Cute kitties all for Yuzu! She always did like cats.

When the mama cat stepped off the page earlier she nearly screamed (but she held it in, as Kippei Onii-chan was sleeping! He worked so hard!). When the other two came to life too she was giggling. They were very nice kitties! All three came and cuddled with her.

No, she didn’t know how there were seven more of them. Not at all! She had no clue how the blue kitty with two tails came to life, or how that other page over there had six kittens with bows around their necks.

Lets not get into where the bunny came from.

It didn’t matter though, right? Because they were Yuzu’s friends and they were all trying to tickle her into wetting her pants! She just knew it! Giggling madly, but trying to hide it so not to wake Kippei she played and rolled around with the meowing bunch of animals.

That is until she heard Kippei start waking up. She was sure she heard him call her. In a sudden movement she started gathering up kittens and hiding them in the laundry hamper, and two in the closet, and the bunny under the bed, just in time to plop on the ground and giggle again.

“Yuzu is here!!” She called out to him from their bed room, giggling as she felt the bunny tickling her back from where it was trying to come out from under the bed.

app, sp, info, ooc

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