my je family ^^

Jun 13, 2009 01:29

lol okay so I was randomly fixing things in my LJ when I accidentally clicked on the Friends Page, and Jemae's post greeted me with this lol XD snagged this from jemaelutao's journal. this is really fun~! try this too~! lol XD

couldn't stop laughing at the results here~
wonder why I got Jin as my lover when clearly I don't like him that much lol XD and why isn't Yuya included?! and FTW who's my sibling #1? is that ueda?! or somebody else? or does that state that the dog is supposed to be my brother/sister?? lol XD

lol over all that was funny

and since I'm curious as to what the result would be if I typed 18, here is the result

lol and this one is funny for me as well~ very interesting
Nino as my father will be great! I bet the two of us would end up playing games all of the time since I love playing games as well, but I'm not addicted to it as he IS. And having MatsuJun as my brother AND lover is awesome~! it's just like his role in Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru lol XD Sho as my best friend would be great! but having Yamapi is greater lol and OMG~! TEGOSHI YUYA as my stalker would be the greatest thing ever lol XD and I'd definitely break up with MatsuJun just to be with him lol

okay. I know I'm imagining things hihi but that's okay, ne? it's not like I always do it *wink*

other : random

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