7 Ways of Looking at My Situation

Jun 16, 2006 18:22

1. Working at a bar is like 50% janitorial work, if you're not a bartender. It's filthy and gross. The stocking beers/washing glasses part is ok, but seeing the regulars come in, some of them barely functioning human beings destroying themselves through their alcoholism, is pretty depressing. Besides which, getting home at 5 in the morning is really not the sort of thing that helps a struggling semi-insomniac get himself on a more regular schedule. I applied to a couple cafés (reason for leaving current job: "depressing") and I hope that works out for me.

2. Southern food is making me, despite my best efforts, gain weight. I've been having the damndest time sticking to the Special K challenge. Still, bicycling and occasional soccer matches ought to help, I just need to get the discipline to exercise, even when no one else is up for it. I enjoy it, too. Got some wireless bluetooth headphones for my ipod, hopefully the purchase, though cheap, will guilt me into making greater use of them.

3. I haven't seen many movies lately, although I'm starting to get into a better groove with those. This has been a mediocre month for me though. Thus far, I've awarded two D's, 3 C's and two B's. The only A was a perennial favorite of mine, Do the Right Thing. I've updated The Latham Loop a couple times, for any of you interested in reading stuff I've got to say about movies, but I really wanted to be doing it even more often.

4. Fast Food Nation, while the ultimate college student cliché book, is pretty startling. Not startling enough for me to abandon the path I abandoned the path for, but startling enough for me to be provoked into a state of concerned ambivalence, perhaps an even greater college student cliché.

5. I've tried responding to some craigslist ads for positions on local movie shoots, but no dice. I helped gut a house in May when I came here, but haven't done any volunteer work since. I think I'll probably try to do more of that, as well.

6. Despite the fact that I'm doing things, I feel as if I've been stagnating lately. I've been reading, exercising, going out, cooking, not writing, unfortunately, working to raise money for a car, getting a feel for this city and consuming episodes of Buffy/Angel voraciously, it's sick how much I love this universe of characters. But despite my days being filled with stuff to do, I don't feel as if I'm moving forward at all. This feeling's been building to a head for a week or so now, so I imagine it'll crest some point soon and I can stop feeling around blindly for the hole I know is present somewhere and start filling it.

7. If any of you find yourselves in New Orleans this summer, contact me somehow and we can see each other.
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