What this is: a meme to put yourself out there for CR, to advance or change existing CR, a yuuyuupandaland-sponsored opportunity to plot with other people
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Freelancer York and Delta - Red vs. Blue (this journal) Gibson - Tron: Evolution (bostrumite)
What is my tagging speed? I'd consider myself a fast tagger, except when distracted by work/etc. It is extremely rare that I will let a tag sit more than a day without a hiatus declared. I will also backtag you forever.
How do I feel about shipping my characters? York is currently in a relationship, but I don't mind flirting. Just be aware it's not going to go anywhere without some IC consequences. Gibson is a pretty casual guy, so he's open if you want some shirtless computer program action. It's unlikely he'd be into anything long-term without some serious development first, but that's not out of the question.
How do I feel about negative cr? With York I'd prefer to keep it light, since he has some serious negative CR with the Meta already that's wearing him down. Gibson...is a negative CR magnet and I totally encourage it. He just lost his big negative CR buddy, Abraxas, so I'm cool with filling that void.
Gibson - Tron: Evolution (bostrumite)
What is my tagging speed? I'd consider myself a fast tagger, except when distracted by work/etc. It is extremely rare that I will let a tag sit more than a day without a hiatus declared. I will also backtag you forever.
How do I feel about shipping my characters? York is currently in a relationship, but I don't mind flirting. Just be aware it's not going to go anywhere without some IC consequences. Gibson is a pretty casual guy, so he's open if you want some shirtless computer program action. It's unlikely he'd be into anything long-term without some serious development first, but that's not out of the question.
How do I feel about negative cr? With York I'd prefer to keep it light, since he has some serious negative CR with the Meta already that's wearing him down. Gibson...is a negative CR magnet and I totally encourage it. He just lost his big negative CR buddy, Abraxas, so I'm cool with filling that void.
Other? Anything you want to toss at me ( ... )
Dude, maybe after/when I get the Jetpack post up they all need to have a mid-air race or something?
Also jetpacks yes. York's been practicing with his Iron Man enhancements though so watch out
I can probably have the post up tomorrow night. I was going to try for today, but I can't really focus enough >.>
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