What this is: a meme to put yourself out there for CR, to advance or change existing CR, a yuuyuupandaland-sponsored opportunity to plot with other people
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What is my tagging speed? Fast on the day a post goes up, generally, slowing down afterward. Unfortunately, I can get REALLY slow now with school and everything occupying my time, but I try to backtag devotedly. How do I feel about shipping my characters? RIN: is mostly interested in Zexion, but I would kind of love to let her go on casual dates and things and it might be good for her. TYKI: is, um... in prison. Not that he'd say no to conjugal visits but obviously it depends on your character and whether they want to get involved with that. How do I feel about negative cr? RIN: bickering is about as far as I want to go with her right now. She's had a tough time lately. TYKI: is in prison and is a douche so should definitely be subject to some mockery and hatred if your character is the kind to dish it out. Bring it. Are there any other notes of interest for someone who might try to build CR with this character? Rin is quite wary and mistrusting, generally, so it takes a while to open her up but I love it when characters push her past her comfort zone. She's also currently moved in with Galadriel. Tyki is a villain but not necessarily a rabid monster all the time, he can have civil conversations with people even though his social life is taking a hit here. I'm really open to what other people would have to suggest with these two. If you have chosen to make use of the open post that went up with the CR meme, please link your threads here!: Only Rin is on the open post and she's here.
Pfff. I keep meaning to reply to this comment with some clever idea, but it seems that I'm rather short on them at the moment. But I'm thinking about it.
We could combine something in with either one of them doing a larger post... Rin is building up a few things to talk about, and is actually going to ask Galadriel if she'd be willing to come and talk to (and maybe try to help) 2Face.
I approve of this idea. And Galadriel will definitely talk to him, at the very least. She has... lots of opinions on the proper use of her powers, so the help might depend on the details.
Rin is edging nearer the moral event horizon when it comes to thoughts on what they should do with the remaining criminals :|a but 2Face, she's thinking of something relatively beneficial and kind.
Rin, Rin, Rin. Don't make her tell you the story of how she and most of her relatives became exiles. :\ But that's good, at least. Really, the sort of moral code is more for Galadriel's benefit. She's very aware of the possibility of jumping off the slippery slope.
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What is my tagging speed? Fast on the day a post goes up, generally, slowing down afterward. Unfortunately, I can get REALLY slow now with school and everything occupying my time, but I try to backtag devotedly.
How do I feel about shipping my characters? RIN: is mostly interested in Zexion, but I would kind of love to let her go on casual dates and things and it might be good for her. TYKI: is, um... in prison. Not that he'd say no to conjugal visits but obviously it depends on your character and whether they want to get involved with that.
How do I feel about negative cr? RIN: bickering is about as far as I want to go with her right now. She's had a tough time lately. TYKI: is in prison and is a douche so should definitely be subject to some mockery and hatred if your character is the kind to dish it out. Bring it.
Are there any other notes of interest for someone who might try to build CR with this character? Rin is quite wary and mistrusting, generally, so it takes a while to open her up but I love it when characters push her past her comfort zone. She's also currently moved in with Galadriel. Tyki is a villain but not necessarily a rabid monster all the time, he can have civil conversations with people even though his social life is taking a hit here. I'm really open to what other people would have to suggest with these two.
If you have chosen to make use of the open post that went up with the CR meme, please link your threads here!: Only Rin is on the open post and she's here.
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