It's been a month... so once again it is time for
The CR & Plotting Meme
What this is: a meme to put yourself out there for CR, to advance or change existing CR, a
yuuyuupandaland-sponsored opportunity to plot with other people.
Post a comment listing as many of your characters as you want, as well as any ideas you've always wanted to try or any suggestions to others about what kind of CR you'd like to see happen. Anything and everything is fine. Ramble, bullet point, or just don't make any notes at all. If you don't have any ideas but want more CR opportunities, list your characters anyway and see who comes at you with ideas!
For an example of what this meme looks like in action, you can look
here. And, as a small experiment this time, we'll be trying some suggested questions for people to think about! You can fill these out personalized for character to character if you wish and post them for other muns to look over. These questions are also entirely optional and are experimental for this round, to see how it works if people give each other ideas of what kind of CR they're open to or particularly looking for.
What is my tagging speed? More a general mun question, but it might be helpful when planning out CR. Please consider your habits honestly! Do you prefer to thread fast on what you're most recently involved in, and after a day or two slow down to one or two tags a day? Are you a slow but steady tagger who goes until the other person drops the thread? What are your tagging habits?
How do I feel about shipping my characters? Are your characters available for shipping, and more importantly, would you personally like to be involved in shipping? If so, what kind of shipping would you prefer? Some muns have expressed interest in characters having a more cavalier attitude regarding their sex lives - would you be open to particular characters having one night stands or casual relationships? Or would you prefer to be involved in long-term ships? This question will likely be better when answered on a character to character basis.
How do I feel about negative cr? Would you like your character to be involved in a rivalry? Have someone they bicker with constantly or just plain dislike? Someone they can get in a nasty prank war with, someone they're just mean to? Negative CR can be great CR too! If you're generally open to it, if you want it, if you have a character who can throw out some negativity and they need people to troll and terrorize, talk about it here. This question will likely be better answered on a character to character basis.
And for one last change, I'm going to try starting a small thread here where people can post larger ideas they have that might require groups, or muns with characters that own businesses can post information for stuff they'd like to see get started. If you have an idea you want to see get off the ground and you need a small group to do it, post a blurb! This thread is