May 06, 2008 03:55
Aahh help me ! A'ST1's song is stuck in my head since yesterday ! This morning at school I was singing "1 2 3 4 Back" whitout noticing then my classmate asked me what the hell I was singing XD but... I love this song <3 And I hope A'ST1 will make it big !
I change my header and! I'll change it tomorrow, don't have time right now... but I'll keep Big bang <3
I was thinking about something...well it's been a while but I wasn't sure if I had time to "waste" in doing it but I've always wanted to help fansubbers and a few days ago a friend asked me to join her team and I said yes... but I'm kinda afraid it'll take so much of my time... well it's not that I have important things to do nor that my time is kinda precious but studying should be priority >_<
OMG OMG Last Friend episode 4's subs are out ! OMG Ryo why are you so damn hot ? ;__; looked so innocent, so weak...aww~ make me love him more and more (okay for a short instant I forgot he was beating masami XD)