EDIT: OKAY!!!!! I think everybody can see my new Shige-layout now!!!...well I hope so ^^"...
~4th June, yuuto_kun
EDIT: Seems like nobody can see my new layout...so it's back to the old one >_>...damn! ~trying to make it visible for everyone >_I'm the only one who can see it, right? Here is a pic of my layout!!! ~I hope I can make it visible >_~29th May, yuuto_kun
(preview~ I think it's really nice ^^"...)
...I'm still shocked!!! ~akira shock~ Just look at my layout Ö.Ö!!!!! I never thought I could do something like that!!!! And I'm still new here ^^"...I like the Header ^.^)y!!!!! All about Shige!!!!(do you get this joke shige-fans XD!!!)...there is really no end to my Shige-Maniac XD!!!!
...yeah, I'm weird, stupid and hopeless, BUT I'm a proud BIG SHIGE-FAN XD!!!!!!!!! He might be the most unpopular NEWS-member, but he is #1 in my CRAZY WEIRD WORLD XD!!!!
...just laugh about me!!!! cuz I'm already laughing about me XD!! ~try to beat this baka-ness ♪┏(・o・)┛♪baka┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪baka┏ ( ・o・) ┛♪baka~
...anyway! I'm currently working on new Shige -icons ^.^)y!!!! Cuz I got my new scans of NEWS -Myojo&Popolo JULY-SCANS- ヾ(≧∇≦*)〃!!!
Can't wait to post them here X3~ ♥!!! *little preview is the icon I'm using to post this entry XD!!!*