Nov 14, 2009 14:07
Suuuup y'all!
I haven't written here for AGES. Shame on me, yes I know. But how have you all been? Good, I hope.
OH, the things that has happened. I almost failed English for a split second. I get the feeling that she doesn't like me much.
Then again - I don't think that anyone likes me in my new school. But that's life, I guess.
Though I'm acing Japanese. I've never felt this smart in my entire life, seriously. (Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the things we're doing now is "WATASHI WA JITENSHA DE TOMODACHI E IKIMASU". It sure feels good though).
From one thing to an other, I'm going to the cinema today! (I went there a few weeks ago, and watched Up! I love that old man). I'm going to watch Paranormal Activity with two of my friends. I didn't really know much about the movie but the fact that it was creepy, and when I later watched the trailer... holy shite. Bricks, I will shit them.
And apparently I'm going to have to get tested for TBC for my Japan application. :| Swineflu and TBC. It's like a beautiful gift.
Anyhow - I called the clinic or what'sitcalled to ask further and book an appointment. Oh, but wait. That lady who answered the phone hadn't heard about anyone doing that for at least 10 years. SO, now I have to call the INFECTIONS CLINIC. I feel so... infected. ROFL.
I have a bunch of assignments and tests the upcoming weeks FML. I could have gone well without them, but my teachers doesn't feel the same way. Swedishx2, English, Japanese, Chinese, Biologyx2, Civics, P.E. and Math. Someone save me from math, I beg of you.
Oh, and the biology essay. I have to post it on some BLOG. If we don't - we get an F. WHAT IS THAT. Who in god's name would like to post some freshman's essay on global warming on their blog? And oh - did I mention that it has to be kind of well known. I've never heard of so much nonsense in my life.
B ko0l stey in sko0l, I say.
That plus the fact that I'm getting my copy of My Girl soon!
THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, stay true bros.
Bros b4 hoes, as House would say.
(And no - I do not know why I just said that.)