I actually want to rewatch that more than I want to see The Dark Knight Rises XD XD XD
In other Superhero news . . .
'Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' Not Really Cancelled!“Not everything you hear on the Internet is true!” Loeb told the audience in mock disbelief at the panel, at the end of a long windup that seemed to be implying the show might actually return for another season. The conversation began with “I know that there are enormous fans out there, including myself, of Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” but still ended with the assertion that in fact the series was always intended to be on TV for a finite run of 52 episodes, and that only after it had run its natural course did Marvel Television decide that it would change form to segue into Avengers Assemble.
“We’re going to transition out just the same way we do in comics,” Loeb said, likening the change into the new series, Avengers Assemble, will be a continuation of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes‘ continuity even though it came with a creative change a new direction.
Well . . . I call bullshite on that! If it was only supposed to run for 52 episodes, then why did they start showing the beginning of Walt Simonson's Ragnarok storyline this season, only to end the season never touching upon that again?
However, I'll change my tune if Avengers Assemble actually does carry out the Ragnarok story (won't be holding my breath though.)