Spent some of last night after I worked out going through some old magazines I had stacked up in the closet. Its funny when you look at old video game magazines at some of the rumors that sometimes made a stir, and some of their predictions. Like in Gamefan back in 1994. A number of the writers predicted that the Sega Saturn would win the 32-bit wars while "upstart Sony" will have their own niche market . . . XD
This little snippet made me laugh the hardest:
click to enlarge
Final Fantasy 7 for some 32-bit Super Famicom attachment? XD XD XD How would that generation of games have turned out if Square had stuck with Nintendo I wonder?
Anyhoose, I really need to update
disc_zombie because I've been neglecting that for far too long. So now, I'll make it interactive . . .
Poll Disc zombie-ness