Jack Bauer: "You read my file. You know what I do . . . :takes out knife: I will start with your right eye. Then I'll take out your left eye. And I will continue to cut and cut and cut and keep cutting you until you tell me what I want to know!" (doing this all while in front of the President and the Head of Secret Service)
I love 24 . . .
In other news (source:
http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/684/684414p1.html):SNK Playmore: KOF Maximum Impact 360 has started development with high definition character modeling. Neo Geo Battle Colosseum, on the other hand, is a 2D game, and the development staff is currently deciding how to develop it for the 360. We can expect other SNK Playmore Xbox 360 titles in the future, at a pace of about one title every two months. This year, the company hopes to have at least three titles out for the system.
KOF XI and Samurai Shodown VI please? Ahhh . . . now if Sega would make VF5 for the 360, my fighting game wants would all but be complete for that system!
EDIT: Ummmm . . . scary--
Silent Hill Movie Trailer