01 - Introduction

Jul 01, 2007 13:50

As I see everyone else is doing it, I suppose I should introduce myself.

Name: Wolfram
Age: 82 16
Race: Mazoku 
Gender: Male
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Emerald green

That’s all the personal information you people need to know. I’m Yuuri’s fiancé, so don’t even think about flirting with him. Oh, and Murata? Take those photos DOWN. I come from the fandom Kyou Kara Maou…whatever that’s supposed to mean. Shin Mikoku is my homeland. I don’t like humans, but I’ll tolerate them for Yuuri’s sake. I don’t like boats. I don’t like a lot of things, actually. Like Mary Sues, why can’t they all just die?

I also see that big brother has a live journal too! I wonder why…Probably to see all the cute things. So if anyone here is cute…be wary of my brother.

That’s about it....Ah yes, my manners. It’s a pleasure to be here.

interesting, brawl, yuuri, welcome, shin mikoku

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