When Reality is Finally Better than your dreams

Mar 23, 2016 20:39

Hello everyone! I'm back after years of being an inactive member of Livejournal. Actually I almost forgot this community but today, as I was randomly opening some bookmarks, I clicked a certain link that led me back in LJ again. *sniff, sniff*

Way back in 2010, I remember joining this community as means to connect with fellow Hey! Say! JUMP and Johnny's Entertainment fans (ahhh, how nostalgic). I gained many friends and now, with a resolved heart, I will surely treasure each and everyone of you.

For these past years, I was really aiming to make my dream come true to go to Japan. And yes, step by step I was able to do that.

What and how did it happen was a long story. To wrap it all, I passed the MEXT Scholarship (Monbukagakusho) and I'll be studying as a graduate student in Japan. I'll be entering the Department of Environment Science of Tokyo University. The road that got me here was full of twists and turns but this is the very same road that led me to my dreams.

I'll be posting an update once in a while. I will share my experiences in Japan with you as much as possible. For those who are interested in knowing more about the MEXT Scholarship, don't hesitate to send me a message/comment or you can DM me in my Instagram account (diane_loraine).

Thank you for taking time to read this post! ^^

mext scholarship, osaka, japan, tokyo, hey! say! jump

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