Oct 28, 2006 01:30
ok, i'm being accused by an inmate of hitting him, so he's writing me on that. me and the lady i was working with thinks he's just trying to retaliate cause we took some of his shit when we shook down that dorm, and maybe cause i started talking shit to him when he wouldn't listen to us.
he talked to our sgt, and he even got one of his buddies to tell her that he was a witness of me hitting him. on our friday, i worked the same dorm, and a different offender came up and told me that he would testify that i didn't do anything cause that other guy likes to cause trouble. i'm not worried about that though. whatever.
on that same nite, i also pissed off two other offenders during morn chow i pulled out of line to pat search and he was pissing me off, so i took his I.D. and threw it at him when i was done with it. he spat at my feet, and if i wanted i could of gotten him for 'assault on an officer', but that would of meant doing a use of force packet and i didn't feel like doing that, cause it was already late, or early depending on how you see it.
bout 10 min later, i pulled out another offender for the same thing, and he got to me, so i tried to get him to strip in the cold, but he refused, so i let him stand out there for a while before i escorted him to his dorm and stripped him in the sally port and threw his clothes outside.
yea, i could been written up lots of time that nite. heh.
i'm moving in jan. gonna live with elisa. the only thing that sucks about that is that i'm leaving ernest, michael and james. i mean, i'm only gonna be a thirty min drive from beeville, but it's just that i'm not going to be able to get up and go visit them when i want like i do now.
went looking for .hack//G.U. the day it came out, but none of the fucking stores had it. pissed me off cause i went out of town for that, and i wasted money getting up there. i bought it online from EB and got it the next day.
not going to play it until i finish Okami, which i think i'm almost done with. got almost everything, missing like 2 brush techs.
pre-ordered Guitar Hero II. got a nifty shirt for it. i got the bundle pack, the guitar and game. i already got two guitar controllers, but the new ones are red, plus one the them is a little messed up.