Aug 08, 2006 00:25
well, i'm going to be way overdrawn this month, and i'm not talking about the normal 30 dollars that i normally am, i mean, over 200 this time.
i had to take in matt's cat to the vet cause he wasn't eating and he was breathing rapidly. they told me they had to run some tests and that i needed to keep him there overnite, which worked out for me, cause it was a work day for me.
so i went back the next day (i intended to go rite when the open at 0830, but i was too damn tired from work, they sent me to the west side to help them out) and they said that he was building up fluids in his chest, and that was what was making him breath hard, they also said that they took out some of the fluids too.
they let me see him, and told me that they could refer me to a cat specilalist in san antonio, and that it viral infection he had could be treated at over $500 but there was still a high probablilty that he would recover, and that putting him down was a better solution.
i didn't want to make that choice, so i sent messages to matt, thinking he would get them in time, but i haven't heard anything from him.
well, i left him at the vets again and left to work. during work i thought about getting him out and just leaving him at the house, cause i didn't know if i was going to be able to pay for keeping him there, but once i got home, i thought it best to keep him there so they could keep draining his lungs, even though i knew i wasn't going to be able to afford it.
well, sunday afternoon the vet calls my cell. she tells me that he passed in the morn and that i could get his body the next day if i wanted.
so i got his body on monday and they give me the bill. they tell me it's $313 but i thought i heard them wrong so i gave them my card, and they swiped it, and gave me the slip to sign, and i saw that it really was $313. for now i have money in my account, but only cause my paid bills have cleared yet, and i still have my car payment, elec, and land line to take care of.
i buried him in front of the tree that matt used to park by.
i'm gonna go to the bank to see if i can take out a loan so i can have money for the rest of the month. my mom said they probaly wont give me what i'm asking for ($1500) cause i'm always overdrawn everymonth.
oh well.
i do hope i get that much. i want to use some of that to buy new art supplies. i want to get into that again.
and if i can't get the loan, well, i'm fucked for the rest of the month.