Mar 07, 2005 06:49
it's... always sad when a friend goes crazy, and you have to have a big cook off and EAT EM!
moving on.. today i too am moving on. No.. the sickness did not strike me dead (as many of you had been hopin'), but rather, drudged me to death and rebirth. An ephiphany lara? No.. no... just.. a zombie fetish.
so I'm contemplating changing my LJ and aim name to zombie_lara. Why?
I think zombies are cool. Real cool.
I watched rez. evil 2 (movie that is) it sucked big time.
The characters were more accurate to the game, aka Jill Valentine in her little blue tube top get up and a very un-mexican version of Carlos, but they crapped up the story to no end.
good thing? fighting I guess? The correct outfits? I know... they had lickers... lickers rule.
bad thing? yeah... um.. plot line. Nemisis looked retarded. They dropped a couple of other resident evil names.. such as Ashcroft (that story was also screwed up, the girl was like 5 and.. not dead... and there was no crazy cross-dressing brother.. dammit) and S.T.A.R.S. team.. but... in summary the movie sucked ass.
the point is...
i like zombies...
and i'm going to school....