Uh, this is... Yes. :D

May 06, 2006 23:42

First things first. Fandom post~ Haha.

Fandom: KHII
Characters/Pairing: Riku + Sora (omg. they're not axel and roxas! x_X)
Rating: 100% worksafe (as per usual)

I know. I actually colored.

It's so shocking. :O No, seriously. I can't color to save my life. Please consider this as proof. XD I have no clue why my scanner turned Sora's hair reddish (I colored it brown, I swear!), so, uhm, forgive me? But, anyway~ I'm scanning the comic I drew that yurameki_tenshi proposed (XD ♥). In the meantime, uh, Riku x Sora? :D (Actually, Sora looks...dominant. Heh.)

They also look like sports-wear models.

Jan jan~ :D

Actually, no. That was misleading. I'm hurt. Not happy. Not energetic. Yet not emo. Though really. Someone has seriously hurt my feelings. I haven't felt this upset since, uh, that one guy in sixth grade (...Mena M.?) spread all those nasty/mean rumors about me that weren't even true (that jerk).

I shouldn't even be upset. I should be angry that I'm suddenly being shunned. But, yeah, I'm not and that frustrates me to no end. ._.; I have a right to be angry after all the crap I took, damn it. I'm just unable to be. -_- Though it'd be helpful if I could be. Then I wouldn't have to feel like crap.

Ehem. *waves flag* Angst-free zone! *apologies*



khii, blah-ness, stuff that sucks, fan art, *stabs*, angst?, fandom

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