Gosh, a cultural post! Can we survive to this?
Yes, because we're speaking about one of the most famous dance crews in the whole world, that performed everywhere with its contemporary style and unique taste.
Here they come with their new show...
No, the show is actually better than the poster, I don't know why it's so terrible.
Anyway, don't tell me you don't know Moses Pendleton! It's one of the best coreographer in contemporary scene (no, italian friends, the most famous is not Garrison), who created the so called Momix group in 1981. Momix usually creates shows in which dancers use their own bodies and some tools (like tubes, baloons, tissues, flags) to create vivid and poetic images about nature and animals. I know, sounds obvious and quite boring, but probabily the idea you've got about this kind of shows is built on Momix's later plagiarisms. Because of we're talking about cultural matters, it's better to link
Wikipedia to solve the problem of the history of the group and background.
I bought the tickets 2 months ago and I was in the farest part from the stage, because all the 4 weeks of programming in milan theatres were almost sold out. All the red chairs were full of people, children and families too, because the message of this show is so universal that is able to express something really pure to children and really sensual to adults with the same performance.
Momix is now composed by 10 elements plus Moses as coreographer. As usual, the new show, that is based on 4 seasons and world creation (I suppose! XD) is divided in 3/4 minutes sections, groupped together in seasonal sequences. The show is amazing, even my mother, who didn't love modern dance, loved it and said to me "It's so capturing I would stay here the whole night to see it again!" I can't describe the whole show, because even on Youtube videos can hardly resemble the original...it's something you've to see "live". It's possible to fully understand who faggish is Kaya without hearding him laughing live? No, and this is quite the same. XD
I was really far from the first line of chairs, but I think it's was a good thing, because of in the "building figures" elements, I was focused more on the figure itself, not on body parts that creates the illusion of animals and vegetables images.
This was at the very beginning of the winter section. This solo movimento is made by a single woman who danced on a giant mirror, creating astonishing figure with precise movements. Something between Narciso, a spider an a dream.
The most classical type of dance movements were the 2 fully dedicated to flowers. I'm still wandering how the dancers could actually change the longness of their skirts without using their hands. Sunflower dance was so classical, but poetical too. Maybe it could seem simple, using those 2 giant fans, but it isn't for sure.
How works that hat? At first it seems made by pearls, but the single dancer twists around the stage for like 5 minutes, without collapsing (my head was screaming "headache!" O_O), creating like a blade or a jellyfish while keeping to twist to keep wildly open the hat. It' s better to post some images, it's to difficult to explain even in italian! XD
But my favourite segment above all was the centaurs one! How it's possible to have that grade of syncronism with a dancer who can't see in front of him, fold at 90 degrees? My back hurts only thinking about! XDDD Unluckily, I wasn't able to find a decent photo of this part, you can see it in the promotional video, at 4:10. Believe me, the video is showing less than 10% on the actual beauty and power of the show.
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