D - Day By Day impressions

Nov 15, 2009 23:45

Today it's D new single first impression post day, isn't it?

I really don't know if I like this song or not, but it makes me feel such strange emotions that I want to share.
After the first view on YouTube I don't remember so much about the song rhythm or a particular cool passage, unless the constant happily sang "Deeei bai deeeei"...ok. I can write all I want except I was ready for this sound in the latest D release. It's calm, happy, friendly...like the jingle of the morning TV shows! O_O EH!? it's the best way to describe my feeling about.

But about the pv I can say something more. It's quite disturbing. All these guys dressed black as the death and with smiles of a gravediggers, that plays such a relaxing songs? Asagi maybe think that with a pair of meches he can seem easy and cheerful, but it's...at least strange, seeing him with the usual vampyr/the world is pain/I won't forgive you/dark bitch facial expression while singing "deeei bai deeei" all the time. The most ridicolous part is of course the one in which Asagi, our hero, pretend to work on the song not in his rose stamp filled pajama, but with black suit and eyeliner on. L-O-L.

But now I want your opinion, D fans. After an album and a couple of single that, well, "are not so good", what to you think about this new release and D's future sound?Thoughts, expetations? Comment back please!

wtf, recensionando, d di dio, music

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