As everyone on Earth already said, even the old creepy italian critics, you've to see it, no way.
Why and how, well, I'll try to explain. Ah, I want to say a thing: it's better than Nightmare before Christmas. Yeah. Stop Motion has a new leader movie, this one.
You can read about the story everywhere, but I can summarize it in two lines; Coraline is a young girl that moved to an old and creepy house with her super-busy parents. Exploring the house, she finds a little door; during days there is only a wall beyond it, but during nights there is a magic tunnel that brings Coraline to another universe, really similar to the real one, but funnier and with lovely parents...with buttons in place of eyes.
Tecnically the movie is absolutely sublime. But I was already aware, because of the lovely specials available on the net from several months ago. Check them, to understand how much work there is behind the "little sized" wardrobe of main characters, the settings, the animations and so on.
About the story, I don't know is book is better or not, because of I did not read it, yet. But well, it is written by Neil Gaiman, so I can suppose it's not that bad. The movie plot is "for children", but adults can really enjoy it. The direction is awesome; the story shines thanks to great ideas for connecting real and magic worlds, to little escabotages that makes magic world amazing and vivid.
About the 3D question; I saw the movie with the 3D glasses and I think is a good thing to enjoy more this movie. Only this one. There were some 3D trailers before it and I've to say, well... seems those movies were made for 3D. 3D makes Coraline better. There is a huge difference. Ah, a little note: 3D glasses are *really* heavy... after the movie ending my nose was completely red.
For the ones who have already seen the movie, the last quotation is a quiz for the english edition, simply traslated in italian. I checked on the italian official site if there are Coraline featured gadgets for us too, but the answer is sadly no, or not yet.
Go to see it! Or Megan Fox will makes obscene subtext body poses for the rest of our lives, in every film we want to see.
Frase da ricordare:
"Voglio Abbracciarti la Faccia!" - pupazzo del mondo magico
SPOILER - (cit.) " Al solo vederla mi cago in mano."
E scusate la finezza.