Ok, it works like this.
I studied such an animal to pass this damn japanese exam and now I've finished (well, tomorrow I'll have the speak programme check, but, you know, without Ueda sensei "you've to learn and repeat without chaging a word!" role-plays, well, it does not require me to study).
But, there is an *enormous* but, I've to study for another exam, the only one I *really* don't want to study.
Because of I did such a war against University for being able to do after retourning Italy, and I obtain my rights will be protected, well, now I'm feeling like I've to pass to prove I'm not only an other annoying student.
All of this for saying you this truth:
-Sunday I'll retourn to Italy and I don't want to.
-A new season of True Blood is now here and I'm going to see it even I will be transported on Moon.
-I know, I *must* write other 3/4 reports. But the summer is sooo long, I'll surely find time to explain how Japanese can be ridicolously fantastic!
See you later guys!