Weekly Bleach Corner - chapter 350

Mar 19, 2009 16:18

You know I much I love when Bleach ends up with these big happenings, like on the on the most Shounenone mangas (sorry, lost in traslation...in italian sounds really good!) of all the times.

So I'm going to dedicate to this type of "events" this corner, you see the title!
Oh, chapter 350, big numbers, big events! XD

Well, I think it's not a good idea to make a hole in an half-hollow human that lacks a hole to become a hollow. Mh, really bad idea, Ulquiorra, I've to say to you. So, now, after the animaleur released arrancar, from 4 to upper numbers (and Ichigo) is going to create a series of accessorize for big cars, or, as someone said, an '80 heavy metal band member's look like arrancar? This is interesting. 
Well, we are waiting for an explanation (it's Ichigo release, second level, or what else?).
I like so much the truly inspiring way that Metal!Ichigo choose for speaking: "oohohohohohoooohhhhhhhhhhh". Lacks only of headbanging.

What's coming next -Ichigo will probabily beat Ulquiorra a lot (tecnical italian word: ravanare di mazzate) or kill him, but  I'm not sure, probabily something like Grimmjow, that now is simply disappeared, ehm. Or something like
"ohohohohohohohooohoh"  -> the power of love -> Orihime: "Ichigo, come back" -> he comes back and Ulquiorra beats him. Sounds good. 

cagate, shonen (ai) jump, bleach, manga

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