Lost - 5th season first episodes

Jan 30, 2009 21:59

I'm disappoited.
I was prepared to sovranatural shit, dimensional travel, strange time line and so on, well, it's Lost.

But, mh, I don't know, I did not like these 2 episodes.
I can't understand. There's coherence, ok, the story of Early taking a gun and so on was ri-di-co-lous.

Mh...I felt that something was wrong.
1- Ben seems to suggest that John Locke is not dead. God no! Not the syndrome of Bleach even here!
2- If they need to keep Sawyer shirtless all the time, it means that they don't want us notice something is wrong.

But I can't understand what.
Because of this type of things really works on me!

PS. Judging for the number of 3rd episode dedicated posts, another huge shit is arriving.
Josh, burn that shirt, now.

tv shows, "power of cool", lost

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