Hey Folks!
At sunday morning internet decided not to work, fantastic. >-> So I began to see some stuffs I recovered recently, thanks to connection.
Well, I decided at first to go to Venice for some shopping, but at morning I was not in right mood. So I stayed at home, washing some cloths and do homeworks. But not only that, of course, I'm not a saint! XD As I said before I recovered some good stuff. Not anime, I'm not in a right period. TVshows.
In America this is the time of previews from new show. I'm not so expert, so if you see something new and good, leave a comment and I'll take a look.
At first I'm trying to recover all
"Damages" first season. Well, there is Glen Cloose and she plays an evil lady. Do you need to know something else? But, of course, dowloading an entire season is a long process, expecially if you're not using your wireless. So I put with "Damages" first episodes of
"Fringe" and "True Blood". The first one because is a J.J.Abrams production, so I've to take a look at least, the second because vampires now are cool, so why not trying these too?
Results: at now I was able to see only TB and the last episodes of 4th season of HOUSE m.d. About the last, I was in pain; I saw a trailer on Youtube and decided to download episode 15, believing it was the last. No, it wasn't! Usually HOUSE final episodes are always breath-taking, but this one was even more upsetting! And for months I've not the second part. It was terrible, really. But now that I saw the second part...it's not better.
Ok, House is not a comedy, but the death of Amber scared me a little. 4th season was not so good, so I quit seeing it, but these 2 episodes has the strenght of first season. I think that, after all happened between House and Wilson, slashing fans are in agony. ^-^;; So I'll download first episodes of 5th season, hoping it returns to be as original TVshow.
True Blood; it's an adaptation from a grafic novel, or comics, not sure about that. It's about vampire, but not like teenager sad lovestory and so on...not only.
Basically, the story is in alternative dimension in which Vampires exited from their graves and, thanks to a sort of syntetic blood called "True Blood", revealed their existence to humans and began to fight for their own rights.
I really like the setting, somewhere in "deep heart" of America, a little city called Marlotte. All characters are sharp-talking and really direct, men are strong and women too. Not the classic vampire stage, eh?
Sookie, the protagonist, is able to read people thoughts. She works in a little bar and, one night, she saved a vampire, the first arrived in her village. She is quite naive and genuine, he is misterious and cool but in a strange way.
No, they don't kiss! XD I'm not able to recreate the atmosphere of the show, the best thing is too see it. It's quite adult, violent, vulgar and full of sex scenes, so be aware. The first episode is a kind of introduction, I think, but I really like the way in which characters are slowly intereacting one with each other. Lafayette is absolutely adorable, even if really vulgar! All ok, but not the final scene...god, they're beaten the protagonist! Really hard! I'll see second episode as soon as possible!