Fatto , Made...

Feb 05, 2008 16:37

Ok, gente. L'ho dato.
Oh, sorry, english friends, I was forgetting about you! Sorry...in this moment my brain is trying to recompose its capability to articulate a single phrase in each language I know.
I really don't know what will happened tomorrow. You know, I'll have to do  oral test, with a roleplay and free conversation with Japanese teacher. But before this, they'll read the name of the ones who pass the first part of test. TERRIBLE. I supremely hate that particular moment. §_§
About the text, I can't surely say "yeah, all ok, I pass it", but there are 40% of possibility that I'll able to do the oral part. I'm so scary...I haven't sleep and now I've to prepare 14 role play for tomorrow...I barely read  5 of them once. So, today, again, I can't sleep so much. About free conversation....well...in my humble opinion it's absolutely impossible.
Only good thing of today? I discover my Chinese Philosophy graduation...30/30!


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