Under the mistletoe

Dec 31, 2008 19:59

Title: Under the mistletoe
Chapter: 1/2 (but I'm gonna explain a bit better about this at the end)
(gods I had to cut it... it's not that long ¬¬)
Pairing: Fugaku/Minato... and a chibi!SasuNaru moment as well
Gendre: General?
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Cheating? Yeah... this is supposed to be wrong and twisted, I think I managed .:me is proud of myself and wonders why XD:.
Summary: So... the Namikazes are having their xmas dinner with they family, the Uchihas. And as Kushina and Mikoto are finishing the last details Fugaku shows Minato who does he belong to...
Beta: My awesome twiny aishadow

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“Yeay!” A kid’s voice was heard after the bell rang, signaling the new arrival. A small thud against the door was followed by the rapid clicking of the handle when it was unsuccessfully opened.

“Sasuke,” came the deep voice, “I have already told you that you shouldn’t get the door.”

“Naruto!” The small child screamed, not paying attention to his father.

“Sas’ke!” The kid giggled trying to reach his friend with his little hand while he was in his mother’s arms.

The Namikaze family waited patiently as the door was opened, smiling at the grown up who greeted them.

“Merry Christmas.” Kushina greeted as Fugaku nodded in acknowledgment.

“Naruto!” Sasuke yelled as he ran outside, only to be grabbed by the older blond.

“Hi there, little guy!” Minato greeted as he lifted the boy.  His only response was a hand on his face while the other hand was trying to reach his son. He sighed; it was the same every time their families met.

Kushina smiled fondly as she came closer to her husband, with their son still in her arms trying to reach Sasuke as well.

“Welcome home” Naruto said as Sasuke gave him a small peck on his cheek.

Minato sighed again.  Every time they saw each other, Naruto would welcome Sasuke home even if they arrived at Fugaku’s house, or if they met at the park or in a restaurant.  Every time it was the same. They were used to it by now; the boys wouldn’t listen to anybody until they had greeted each other. It was cute if you thought about it.

“Welcome!” Mikoto said as she entered, wiping her hands with her apron. “What are you still doing in there?” she asked.  Realization hit her when she saw the kids. “Itachi, honey... could you help them with your brothers?”

The oldest son nodded as he walked towards the entrance as well. “Naruto” He called when the small boys were placed on the floor.

“’tachi!” Naruto greeted as he ran unsteadily towards him. “Big brother” Naruto said while he gave him a peck on the cheek just as Sasuke had given him a few minutes ago.

Not noticing or even caring when the grown ups had entered the house with all the gifts, Sasuke held Naruto’s hand and led him to play on their own beside the Christmas tree.

“Hi, Itachi.”

“Hello, Minato.” Itachi nodded, coming closer to help with the packages.

“Oh, take this one,” Minato said as he handed him a red box, “Could you take it to the tree? Don’t peek” he winked at Itachi.

“Yes” Itachi answered seriously, taking the box offered to him.  He walked away to check on the kids and to place the box beside the other gifts, noticing with a small smile that the box was for him.

“I swear Fugaku... that kid doesn’t act his age.”

“He’s an Uchiha my friend” Fugaku answered as he suddenly grabbed his friend’s hand pulling Minato forward, almost making him fall as he smacked him on his back. “He is my son” Fugaku said proudly.

“Man! That hurt!” Minato whined. “And it’s the “your son” part I’m worried about,” he teased as he backed away -just in case.  “I left something in the car”

“Mikoto, it smells wonderful.” Kushina said when they reached the living room, appreciating the well decorated home.

“Thank you” Mikoto said, blushing a little bit at Kushina’s words. On these occasions they usually went to the Namikaze house but this year they hadn’t been able to.

“I have been telling her so, Kushina,” Fugaku told her, “but you know her as I do.” Fugaku said as he gave his wife a peck on the lips making his wife blush. “She worries too much.”

“Here you go, Mikoto.” Minato said as he gave her a dark chocolate cake, chuckling when he heard her moan a bit. Kushina’s cooking had always been good but her desserts were orgasmic.

“Take that to the kitchen, Mikoto” Kushina said, eyeing her husband suspiciously. “He tried to convince me to let him eat it on own way here, and to tell you that you had forgotten to ask us to bring the dessert.”

“You traitor,” Minato said in false hurt. “Now you will have to think of something to make it up to me,” he said slyly as he hugged her, kissing her lips. Nobody but Itachi noticed how Fugaku’s eyes were suddenly watching something else.

- - - - -

“Dinner will be ready in an hour or so,” Mikoto announced when they were all sitting in the living room with drinks. “What do you wanna do in the meantime?”

“Oh... Not that ‘what do you wanna do’, I’ll help you of course!” Kushina said as she stood up.

“But tonight you are our guest!”

“C’mon Mikoto, we are family” Kushina told her with one hand on her hip “There is no such thing as ‘we are your guest’.”

Really, what could Mikoto say to that?

“Well ladies, in that case I will challenge Fugaku to a chess game!”

“Do you wanna lose again?”

“Hey!” Minato said defending his pride at the giggles in the house “I’m not that bad!” He looked around “Am I, Kushina?”

“No my dear,” Kushina said with a smile on her lips, “You are getting better.”

“Yeay!” All the adults turned around to see a giggling Naruto destroying the block tower Sasuke had made, grabbing some blocks and throwing them in the air. He winced slightly when one block hit his head and smiled at Sasuke who had already begun to remake the tower one white block, purple, green, blue, light blue, yellow, orange, red, white, purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, red...

“Are they behaving?” Minato asked Itachi apprehensively.

“Yes, Sasuke has been building towers so Naruto can play with them.” Itachi said as Naruto started to build blocks as well, making Sasuke glare a bit about the color being out of order, but when Naruto smiled at him he forgot about it.

“They are fine, Minato,” Fugaku said, “Let’s go play that game you wanted.”

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to the second part

fugaku/minato, oneshot, i always knew, fanfic, english

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