When your eyes are blinded

Aug 29, 2008 18:32


No, Naruto wasn’t being paranoid? Why? Why do you ask? Why do you want to know? Do you know something? Because there isn’t anything to know and Naruto isn’t being paranoid, he is just being careful.

Damn! He couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched since his call with Sai. He hated that omnipresent feeling of being followed, even in the fucking shower!

And... well he had tried to shake it off and not pay any attention to it, but since this morning’s events...

He suddenly shuddered. He wasn’t afraid of the man, he was anxious because of the situation... ok, can we just go back a little bit? He wasn’t anxious because of the situation, he was afraid of the man... that psycho! Yeah... yeah, I think that’s better.

But who was Naruto kidding, is not like he was totally comfortable with the guy, but the sexual implications scared the hell out of him. Yes, he knew having a relationship and even sex was usual (and even healthy, mind you), he had even helped some friends to hook up, but he knew having someone for himself was just very unlikely. Besides, he liked Sasuke didn’t he?

But when he saw Sasuke talking with some girl at a distance he felt depressed. Of course Sasuke wouldn’t see him like that, why would he bother when he had so many other and better options.

He watched Sasuke for a while, deep in thought... getting somewhat annoyed that his recently arrived company didn’t had the balls to let himself known.

“What’s up Kankuro” he said irritated.

“Man! Do you have eyes on your back?” Kankuro said finally stepping to face him.

“Hardly” he whispered.

There had to be something in the way he said it because Kankuro fell quiet, obviously very uncomfortable but Naruto didn’t care and wasn’t going to make it easier. He was a very nice person but the past week had been really hard for him, he was almost ready to explode.

“What? Are you gonna just stand there and stare at me?”

“No” he smiled nervously “Err... it’s just that I wanted to...” The brunet trailed off, unsure when Naruto crossed his arms.

“Aja...?” Naruto raised one eyebrow impatiently

“Oh man! Chill out! Look, I’m sorry...”

“Chill out! Chill out?!” Kankuro had some nerve to say that “You know? You better pray Kakashi doesn’t slip my grade in two to share it with you because I won’t let him do it... you better fix that because I don’t fucking care what happens to you!”

Kankuro was left speechless, he never had seen Naruto like that, but he didn’t get a chance to say something back because Naruto stormed out leaving him all alone. He smiled dismissedly at the few people who had heard the “little” chat.

- - - - -


Oh, he didn’t have the patience for that.

“What’s wrong with you?”

He kept walking a little bit faster.


“What?” he snapped when Sasuke grab him by the arm “Who said there’s something wrong with me?” even his voice felt frustrated.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing! Nothing is going on! I’m just tired of everyone!” he almost yelled “Are you happy now? Will you just go back to fuck your damn harem and leave me the hell alone?!”

The force of the impact threw Naruto a few steps back, he looked incredulously at Sasuke, the bastard had hit him! In the damn face! ‘Oh, that does it!’ he thought angrily before launching himself at Sasuke and sending both of them to the ground.

A small “Urgh” left Sasuke’s lips when the air was knocked out of him, recovering quickly he sent a fist into Naruto’s face

A few punches were exchanged, weirdly enough it was Naruto who threw almost all of them viciously, but just a few really connected with the target. A couple reaching his own face, which probably wouldn’t leave a bruise, not like in Sasuke’s case who was paler and his skin more sensitive. Sasuke was actually bleeding from the corner of his mouth and not really attacking but defending himself. His calm exterior slowly changing to an annoyed one.

“Damn it” he said lowly as he caught one of Naruto’s hands. An angry growl left Naruto’s lips as he struggled to free himself while at the same time he tried to connect another punch. Maybe it was that he was losing his concentration, maybe it was that he was too angry, or maybe he was just getting tired but Sasuke was able to catch his other hand in a smooth movement. A glare was directed at Sasuke when he opened his arms bringing Naruto’s chest down.

But his glare was quickly replaced by one of alertness when Sasuke leaned his foot against the ground and lifted his hips catching Naruto off guard when a memory of this morning events flooded his mind. Sasuke flip them so that Naruto was now on the ground, grunting when Sasuke pressed one knee on his back. With both of them breathing heavily Naruto’s thoughts brought him back earlier that day and he began to tremble under Sasuke’s weight, what was happening to him?

With the adrenaline fading away, the hits he received started to hurt, his own hands burning, realization set in. Oh my god! He had hit Sasuke! He had practically called him a whore! He would hate him now.

“God dammit! Why won’t you talk to me?”

“My face is kinda into the ground here.” His intention was supposed to relieve the atmosphere but his voice sounded pained. He heard Sasuke sigh at the same time the weight in top of him was removed. He rolled onto his back and took the hand that was offered to him so he could get up.

“You don’t have to smile if you don’t feel like doing it”

“Thanks Sas.” Naruto said scratching the back of his head looking down.

He followed Sasuke when he walked away to sit by a tree’s side. Sasuke was resting his back against the trunk. When Naruto was about to do the same, Sasuke grabbed his shoulder and made him lay on the grass resting his head on one of his legs.

“Now you are facing the sky.” Sasuke’s stare was so deep and strong it made Naruto shift uncomfortably.

When Naruto felt his friend observing him, it reminded him of the question made some minutes before. What was he supposed to say? ‘Hey, I’m being molested and I may like it which makes me feel bad about that.’ He couldn’t take Sasuke’s stare anymore; it wasn’t aggressive, just too strong so he looked over at the park. He didn’t want to talk about it dammit! And least of all to Sasuke, what would he say? When he had felt Sasuke’s hips going up to throw him off, he had remembered when the man’s erection had pressed against him, he smiled sadly, how pathetic was he?

Even if he wished that it was Sasuke, there was no way that it would come true. He suddenly felt a hand moving his hair and his eyes were drawn to meet Sasuke’s, he felt guilty at the sadness the found there. He was making his friend worry.

“Moron.” was said in a soft voice that made Naruto unconsciously lean into the touch.

- - - - -

“C’mon! Please!” A blonde girl whined.


“I promise you that it’s only gonna be a couple of days. Mine is broken and I really need to finish the assignment.” She pleaded -again.

“Uchiha just lend her your camera, it’s so troublesome to hear her beg.”

“Oh shut up Shikamaru!” Ino snapped “Please?”


“Thanks Sasuke!” Ino squealed, clapping her hands “I promise that I’ll reward you.”

Sasuke arched an eyebrow at this and Ino rolled her eyes annoyed.

“You’re unbelievable!” She yelled, catching the innuendo “I’m not talking about that!”

“About what?” Naruto inquired as he joined the group.

“The man of the moment!” Ino exclaimed.

Naruto stopped dead on his tracks. Almost going back for the look on Ino’s face.

“Er... Ino, ain't this Hinata’s birthday?” Naruto said as he sat at Sasuke’s side, who nodded in acknowledgment.

“Oh... you know what I’m talking about” Ino stated dismissedly.  “Sai had been talking on and on about the pictures you are gonna model for.”

“Ah!” Naruto responded as he scratched his cheek.

“But what I don’t know is why he convinced you to model for an historic setting. He could have chose an easier thing.” Ino commented with a puzzled look on her face.

“What?” Naruto replied, he was confused about what his friend was going on about.

“Yes, for example, I chose how clothes set the urban tribes’ differences” Ino declared like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“What?!”  Ok... maybe he wasn’t understanding her.

“Well, I do can see why he chose you as a Greek god though” She said thoughtfully. “The only thing I hope is that he doesn’t make you wear a diaper.”

“WHAT?!” The blond man yelled, outraged by the new information given to him.

“Yes, didn’t you know? His topic is something about Cupid.” She replied happily “I don’t remember the details though.”

“SAI!” He was going to kill him! A painful and slow death.

- - - - -

“Hello my youthful friends! It’s good to see you in this lovely evening.”

“Hey Sakura, what took you so long? I thought you had threatened everybody to be on time?” Ino commented mockingly as the girl took the sit next to her.

“Oh no! Don’t blame my beloved cherry-blossom, it was my error. I was running my laps and I lost track of time. I will run 15 more laps tomorrow to mend my mistake!”

“Man! I don’t know how you can run like that, it’s freaking awesome!” Naruto gave him a friendly pat on the back.

“You do very well yourself Naruto. But I always picture my Sakura in the end of the track to give me motivation.”

“Well... I don’t think that would work for me.” Sakura glared Naruto while Sasuke snickered.

“No?” Lee asked, puzzled “But to imagine your beloved one should always give you some drive!”

“Oh! You mean someone I like!” He loved his friend, so naïve. “Yeah, I shall follow your advice next time.”

Sasuke nudged him. “And you said that is Sakura who doesn’t like you.” he whispered with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah!” Another blonde woman said. “But where is Kiba? That dog-face was so annoying this week. Someone should call him.”

“That’s troublesome, let’s just wait.”

“Well, in that case go to get me a drink lazy ass!”

And Shikamaru did.

“You know you are scary, right Temari?” Naruto replied with fake-terror.

She grinned at Naruto, who smiled back. “Yes I know” Temari answered as she looked over Shikamaru who was getting her drink “But seriously, Kiba said they would be here a while ago.”

“Nah! Don’t worry, I bet he is doing his hair!” Naruto said grinning.

Chouji laughed “No! I bet he is doing Akamaru’s hair.”

And uproar of laugher was heard “Who is doing whose hair?”

“Kiba! You idiot!” Sakura shrieked “You were supposed to let us know when you arrived.”

Kiba smiled sheepishly stepping aside to let his friends see his girlfriend.


- - - - -

“I tell you! That perverted old man almost groped Tsunade’s ass” Chouji spoke with some chips on his mouth.

“That would have been awesome!” Kiba exclaimed.

“What?!” Half of the table said.

“Yes, I mean, for what I have heard that woman has superhuman strength, right? I bet that guy has a death wish.”

“But he is a great teacher!” Naruto chimed in.

“Yeah, but still a pervert.” The brunet nodded his head

“In that, my dear friend, you are right” The blond grinned.

“I have read that when a man acts like he has no shame, is only because deep inside him is a shy person.”

“Shy? Are you crazy Sai? People say that he writes porn.” Sakura told him.

“Well, he is an English teacher.” Sasuke added calmly.

“Porn! What is wrong with you? He writes PORN!” Ino intervened.

“I bet you would like to read it.” The dog-lover said in a matter of fact way.

“Yeah...” You could feel Ino’s sarcasm “Now that you know it, I will have to kill you all.”

Gaara chuckled at that, making everybody -who was in the conversation- shiver and smile awkwardly.

“Hey! Where are you going Sai? Don’t you think about leaving without paying!” Kiba exclaimed.

“I would never do that.” Sai responded seriously “I’m going to say hello to a classmate that is over there!” Some of them saw some guy waving his hand.

“Chill Sai, we are only kidding.” Naruto smiled as he tried to calm his friend down.

“Oh!” realization coming down to him, Sai smiled. “I’ll be right back then.”

- - - - -

“Hey you Hinata! We deserve some time from the birthday girl.” Ino yelled over the music.

“No! This girl is mine!” Kiba said as he hugged her from her waist, dragging her back.

“Oh stop that Kiba!” Sakura gave him a look that said she was annoyed. “I know her long before you did!”

“ Hey! You could tell me a lot of secrets!” The brunet told them.

Sakura snickered when her friend hit Kiba, even when was playfully it was fun to see Kiba’s hurt-faking face.

“Go and get me a drink my puppy.” She demanded while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

The laughter of the table was quickly followed for the “Shut up!” As the blushing Kiba as he walked away.

Hinata sat next to Gaara, smiling shyly and touching his fingers nervously. “Where is Naruto? I wanted to thank him.”

“Oh, he is in the restroom.” Lee responded in a thoughtful way. “But it has been a while since he went.”

“He looked pale.” Sasuke said as he stood up. “I’ll go to check on him.”

Walking away from their table, he almost rolled his eyes at the girls that wanted to gain his attention. They were all the same showing his their boobs, giggling, and on some occasions they even tried to grope him. It was annoying, there were so few woman he would even consider dating, but why would he try to find someone else when he already had his eyes on a blondie.

“Naruto?” Sasuke whispered when he opened the door of the restroom.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hey! Don't look at me like that!!! I have two excuses err... reasons err... bribes for the wait... (you can check them on my journal)... hehehe don't you love the shameless advertising? XD

Hahaha... what else..? Well, I know that when it comes the end of the fic, if someone remembers the next chapter some of you will tell me I made it up... but nah! it's just about tell the story right... XD -I/me and my movie quotes ¬¬- but I'm warning here with hopes you'll forget XD.


sasunaru, when your eyes are blinded, fanfic, english

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