My thoughts about the y!gallery situation.

Mar 05, 2012 21:28

When I say I love y!gallery I mean it, as I’m sure other people do.
I was refreshing and refreshing the website 24/7 hoping it would be back for its 7th birthday. A little bit sad when that didn’t happen but optimistic it would come soon.

But then it didn’t, and I got… angsty. I’m a curious person by nature and then I began to find *the posts*.

They terrify me.

I’m afraid I’ll lose the community I love. So please, let me ask you this.

Inform people, let people know, re-blog and re-blog and link and do everything you can BUT PLEASE don’t take a decision until y!gallery is back up.

I think it’s just a waiting game now, going ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ is not going to help, especially when we don’t have *all* the information.

Like the twitter thing… I thought it was BS it had been hacked, but hell what’s going on who is the *rightful owner* and why-if it’s supposed to be back-hasn’t been there any update on it?

After all neither asiandude or sexcretary haven't made any posts to discredit or defend their actions (that I have seen) people do need to know about this, it can’t be ignored like an elephant on the room. I really hope this is addressed when the y!gallery is back.

A lot of questions guys, I share them with you but again don’t get ahead of yourselves, sharpen your knives but let’s wait.

if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I think this post sums pretty much everything, look for it on tumbrl.
originally posted in here


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