[Fic] Pieces of his soul - 2/2

May 31, 2010 23:01

When Sasuke begun to feel his body again, there was a hand caressing his neck, slowly traveling towards his side, brushing his nipple on its path, while it wandered all over his body, making Sasuke conscious of it again.

He moved his face to the side, breathing deeply the scent of the body in front of him. He felt safe when he was surrounded by that presence. His arm felt too heavy, but he was able to move it. Sasuke’s arm rested on Naruto’s chest, just above his heart, and he smiled when he felt Naruto’s heartbeat.

Sasuke blinked, trying to get used to the light. He felt content when he saw the tanned skin; he snuggled closer to Naruto, raising his head to smile at his master, but stopped midway, shame and embarrassment filling him. He buried his face in Naruto’s chest, trying to hide. He felt the blond pet his head.

“You are mine, Sasuke,” Naruto told him calmly, raising his chin so their eyes could meet. “Mine alone.” Naruto placed his hands on Sasuke’s hips and pulled him closer so Sasuke could feel his erection. “Even if you tried to escape you wouldn’t succeed,” Naruto whispered on Sasuke’s ear. “I would hunt you down, drag you and lock you away,”-Naruto rolled his body so now he was lying on his back with Sasuke in top of him-“forever.”

Sasuke was panting by now.

Naruto lifted his hips just enough so he could impale himself into Sasuke, who moaned loudly. His inner walls sent electric-like shocks through his body making him loose all his energy. Sasuke collapsed on top of Naruto, whimpering loudly every time his master would plunge into him.

“Did you hear me?” Naruto growled. “You are not going anywhere.”

Naruto’s thrusts became more frantic. Sasuke liked how it burned him-his legs were at each side of Naruto’s, his hips easily manipulated thanks to Naruto’s grasp on them. Naruto’s legs where bent making his thrusts short and powerful. Sasuke’s erection was getting fiction because it was trapped between their bodies. Naruto embraced him tightly, almost cutting his air supply.

“Not anywhere,” Naruto repeated.

Sasuke felt like a rag doll, not being able to do anything but call his master’s name. Naruto’s cock felt too big on his abused ass, but he couldn’t help but ask for more. Naruto’s thrusts got slower every time but more powerful. Sasuke placed his hands on each side of Naruto’s head, his back curved, eyes rolled back. Sasuke was begging Naruto to stop, to keep going, to do as he saw fit. Naruto pulled him down again and grunting filled the room once more.

Sasuke whimpered desperately and moved his body up and down, rubbing himself over Naruto’s body. Naruto licked his neck as his right hand traveled southwards and pushed one finger along his softening erection. “Cum, little slut,” he ordered and Sasuke obeyed screaming his master’s name.

Sasuke relaxed on top of Naruto, breathing deeply as they just laid there. He could tell that Naruto was thinking about something as he petted his head. While Sasuke had his face buried on his neck, Naruto’s face was pointing towards the ceiling.

Sasuke felt exhausted, he moved his arms under Naruto’s and snuggled closer, noticing how Naruto’s limp cock slid out of him. It made him feel empty.

Naruto’s petting slowly became rubbing, his hand went from Sasuke’s hair to the back of his neck, massaging it with his fingers, when Naruto did this he always remembered kittens and puppies being lift by their pouches. Sasuke lifted his face when he felt the pressure. He didn’t dare to look Naruto in the eyes so he rested his eyes on Naruto’s lips.

“What do you want, my pet?” Naruto asked him.

Sasuke thought about it. He knew that when Naruto gave him an offer, and he was free to choose what he wanted to do, usually he would beg Naruto to fuck him. This time, though, he needed something more.

“Own me, master.”

In a quick movement, Naruto had turned them around so now he was resting all his weight on Sasuke. “But I own you already,” he said playfully, a finger caressing Sasuke’s jaw.

“Own me, take me inside and out. Master, I need you to claim me again tonight.”

Sasuke could feel Naruto’s heavy gaze on him. His head moved to the side to present his neck in submission to the blond while the seconds passed.

“Very well, then,” Naruto said before Sasuke felt the loss of weight. “Come.”

Sasuke took the hand offered to him.

Once Sasuke stood up from the bed, he followed Naruto to the well-lit bathroom, decorated in cream colors, contrasting with the darker main room. It consisted of a large tub and a shower enough to fit three people on it. White bathrobes rested in a shelf along with towels. Sasuke knew he would find shaving cream and enemas-among many other things-in the cabinet next to the mirror, along with the first aid kit.

Naruto led them to the shower. Sasuke stood as if in a trance while Naruto turned the water to the temperature he liked. Once he seemed satisfied, he beckoned Sasuke to step inside.

Sasuke was used to taking showers with cold water, so the temperature was too hot for him, but it was what Naruto liked, so it was ok. Turning around, he saw Naruto nod with approval, which made him smile in return.

“I’ll be right back,” Naruto reassured him, before going back to the room.

Sasuke waited under the spray of water, not knowing if he should wash his hair and body. In the end, he decided against it, thinking that Naruto would have ordered him to do it if that was what he wanted. After a few minutes, the blond came back. He approached the stall where Sasuke waited for him and stepped inside. Once Naruto closed the stall’s door, Sasuke stretched to reach the shampoo and wash Naruto’s hair, but Naruto stopped him before he could do it.

They stood there with Sasuke’s back facing the shower’s wall, water falling on his shoulders. Naruto’s arms were resting on the wall, keeping Sasuke between them. He tried to make himself smaller so Naruto could bathe too, but the blond didn’t seem to mind. When Naruto wanted, he would close his eyes and go closer to Sasuke, embracing him so the warm water could reach them both.

Naruto’s hands felt smooth when they wandered alongside Sasuke’s wet body making him feel important, appreciated, bathed with light touches and hard squeezes that seemed too erotic. In some places, Naruto would rub steadily and Sasuke would feel his muscles relax. Naruto didn’t need any kind of prompting; he already knew Sasuke’s body by heart.

Eventually, Naruto turned the shower off. He was the one to reach for the shampoo, and after caressing Sasuke’s jaw Naruto poured a hearty amount on his palm. Slowly, he began washing Sasuke’s hair. Sasuke wrapped his arms loosely around Naruto’s torso, tilting his head back. He closed his eyes and relaxed. Naruto’s fingers on him felt wonderful and gave him peace. Sasuke drifted away, almost falling asleep in Naruto’s arms. There wouldn’t be a better place for him.

Sasuke felt Naruto shift and opened his eyes, mesmerized by the loving gaze he meet. He suddenly felt humbled and lucky; sometimes, he couldn’t understand what Naruto saw in him.


Sasuke was again in his favorite coffee shop. It was Tuesday night, and he was enjoying a warm tea chai. He had just finished work and was deciding if he should order a baguette or actually go to a restaurant to have a heavier dinner-he wasn’t hungry but he hadn’t eaten very well that day.

He was waiting for the waiter when a shadow blocked the light. He turned around and tensed when he noticed it was the same blond guy from a couple weeks ago. He was wearing blue scrubs, from the hospital that was two blocks away. He wondered why he had never seen him around before? The coffee shop was very popular with the hospital’s employees.

“What’s up, bastard?” Sasuke tensed when the guy took the seat across from him. He took his laptop and put it on its case. “Don’t be like that, I just wanna chat.”

“Why? Did you kill all your patients already?”

“Nah, I’m on my break,” the blond shrugged. “But I can assure you, my patients love me.”

Sasuke snorted, he took his cup, ready to stand up, when the blond took his hand again.

“Could you stop touching me?”

“Go on a date with me?”

“What?” To say it was the first time someone asked Sasuke out in the streets would be a lie, but Sasuke was surprised by the sudden, and random, invitation.

“I asked you out on a date.”

“I heard you, idiot!” Sasuke snapped. “Why would I want to go out with you if I don’t even know who you are?”

“Naruto Uzumaki. I’m a surgeon at the Konoha Hospital as you can guess from my uniform. I’m in charge of the research division as well.” He smiled. “I’m healthy, I practice tennis whenever I can, and my favorite time to have sex is in the mornings.” He took a sip of his coffee. “That’s the basic stuff, the rest you’ll learn it with time.”

“Moron, why would I care when you like to have sex?”

“Because we are in a public place, and I didn’t think it would be a polite thing to tell you how big is it,” he leered at him. “I would rather if you saw it for yourself.”

“Pervert,” Sasuke said finally, standing up.

“C’mon, Sasuke!”

Sasuke froze, and turned around. “How do you know my name?”

“That was easy: I just asked around,” Naruto shrugged. “Sasuke Uchiha, CEO of the music label he founded on his own, two years after he finished college,” he recited. “Pretty impressive if you ask me. I Googled you,” Naruto explained when Sasuke glared at him. “And if I had to take a guess I would say you live near here. I just wonder,”-he came close to Sasuke’s ear to whisper-“how tight you will be when I fuck you.”

Sasuke punched him, making Naruto stumble backwards.

“I said I would be the director of that hospital when I was seventeen!” Naruto yelled after Sasuke’s retreating figure. “I work hard for the things I want, Sasuke, and I want you!”

Sasuke flipped him off before leaving the coffee shop.


Sasuke blinked rapidly to get back to the present when Naruto asked him to stand up on his own. He saw the blond take the soap and work it carefully on his body. Naruto didn’t leave a single place without a lather of the vanilla scented soap. When he seemed content with his work, he worked quickly on his own body.

Naruto embraced Sasuke again as he clung tightly to the blond. Returning the tight hug, Naruto turned on the spray of water. The blond’s hands went through his hair and made calming sounds as he helped the water to wash away the shampoo. When it was done, he petted him lightly. Sasuke felt all the sweat and grime vanishing of his body, leaving him feeling clean and fresh. He wanted to stay in Naruto’s arms forever.

“Stay here,” Naruto told him softly after few minutes. Sasuke watched him go to get a towel and dry himself quickly before putting the towel around his waist. With another one in his hands, Naruto came back. Sasuke stepped outside the shower stall. He expected Naruto to hand him the towel, but instead of doing so, he wrapped Sasuke with it and begun to rub his body against the fluffy towel, paying attention to every crevice. Once Naruto considered him dry enough, he took Sasuke’s hand and led him to the room again.

Everything was done almost in complete silence but words didn’t need to be exchanged between them anymore. Sasuke felt sated and calm as he walked behind his owner. Naruto approached to the divan in the room, and Sasuke gave a couple steps with the intention to kneel in front of it.

“Don’t,” Naruto ordered. “Sit there.”

Sasuke did, feeling the soft velvet under his fingers. Naruto dropped his hand to walk away, but before he could, Sasuke took his arm, making his turn around.

“I...” Sasuke didn’t know what to say, he needed something but he couldn’t put in into words.

Naruto smiled at him. When he caressed his jaw, going to the back of his nape and pressed his lips to his, Sasuke felt electricity coming from the point where they were touching, and he moaned. He opened his mouth instantly to grant Naruto the access he wanted. He plunged his tongue into Sasuke’s mouth, kissing him deeply and slowly, showing him the tender side of his master.

Naruto broke the kiss, making him whine. The blond chuckled, licking his lips and pecked him again. Sasuke observed Naruto as he went to the boudoir and come back with a comb. He could feel him stand behind him. Placing a knee on the divan silently, Naruto began to work on his hair, minding the few knots and working them off slowly.

That warm sensation filled Sasuke again. He felt comfortable enough to fall asleep so he purred and rested his back on Naruto’s torso, feeling happy just touching him. Sasuke could feel Naruto’s fingers through his hair; the comb long forgotten, Naruto was massaging his scalp again making him doze off. He slid his arms under Sasuke’s, letting Sasuke soak in his presence.

“Are you ready to give yourself to me?” Naruto whispered, his embrace seeming to cover all of Sasuke’s body.

“Yes, master,” he answered fervently.

“Ok, then,” Naruto said with his chin on top of Sasuke’s head. Sasuke felt him take a deep breath, breaking the embrace after a couple minutes.

Still sitting on the divan, Sasuke turned around to watch Naruto. He felt needy. He saw the towel laying on the floor and the naked ass walking towards a table. He noticed a small medic case he knew it hadn’t been there. Sasuke shuddered visibly-it wasn’t in fear but in anticipation.

He knew what would have inside; needles, alcohol, antibacterial wipes, cotton, antiseptic, bandages, even a surgical scalpel.

Sasuke began to pant as he saw Naruto get everything ready. They had only done this a couple times. The last one had been the night Naruto had collared him years ago, a faint scar-hidden by his collar-circled his neck as proof, made with Naruto’s surgical precision as a testimony of their love.

Naruto had asked for permission, of course, and as he was doing it, he had explained to Sasuke that with this collar on his skin he would always have a reminder of him. Sasuke hadn’t minded and replied he knew that even when the physical scar could be erased his soul was already imprinted with the blond’s mark.

This was big. He wanted it; he wanted the opportunity to prove himself, to give himself to Naruto. He felt euphoric that Naruto wanted him like this again. Sasuke closed his eyes unconsciously, trying to gain control of his senses, without noticing the towel that had been covering him was lying on the divan, and he had been humping it.

“Are you sure?” Naruto’s voice was solemn, making Sasuke open his eyes to look at him.

“Yes, I want it master, I need it,” Sasuke said. He stopped all the movement of his body “Take me, own me, inside and out,” he repeated.

“Do you want to be restrained?” Naruto asked while he put some gloves on.

“No master, I can do it. I’ll be still for you.”

“Good.” Naruto smiled, taking a cotton ball with alcohol as he walked closer to Sasuke. Holding the cotton ball out of reach, he kissed Sasuke.

Sasuke gripped the towel as Naruto kissed him. The kiss was slow and teasing, it was very wet and seemed like Naruto wanted to eat him whole. He loved it: he loved to kiss Naruto, loved to suck him off, loved when Naruto fucked him, loved when they made love.

“It’s ok pet, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere,” Naruto told him when he broke the kiss.

Naruto began to rub the cotton ball on his chest, begining at his clavivle’s level. Sasuke felt calm. He trusted Naruto, trusted him to take care of his body and his soul, because, along with the blood withdrawn, he was giving Naruto a part of his soul. It was a testament of their love and of their compromise.


“Fuck!” Sasuke exclaimed angrily when he cut his hand with the broken glass he had been picking up.

He felt Naruto come closer to him and raised his head, his lips twisting in frustration. It was a small cut, but it was bleeding profusely.

“Let me see.” Naruto kneeled in front of him, making him feel like a child. He tsk’ed but let him grab his hand to examine it anyway.

Sasuke hissed when Naruto pulled a glass shard out.

“Hey!” Sasuke tried to pull his hand away when Naruto begun to lick his wound. “Are you crazy? Don’t tell me you are one of those freaks who think they are vampires!”

“Of course not,” Naruto chuckled, amused. “I would get enough blood at the hospital.” Sasuke frowned “But this is your blood.” Naruto licked the wound again, slowly, with his eyes on Sasuke’s “We are in a relationship, right?” Naruto whispered when he saw Sasuke’s eyes flutter “We both are clean, so it’s ok, right?” Sasuke nodded, his eyes clouding with lust “And exclusive, so it’s ok” Naruto sucked around the wound. “You are mine.” Sasuke was panting. Naruto reached a shard of the glass and cut his thumb. He put his thumb in front of Sasuke’s face, and he licked the drop of blood without a conscious thought. “And I’m yours”

And without any warning, Sasuke came.


Sasuke hissed when he felt the scalpel pierce his skin. He had his eyes on the ceiling but could feel a short cut, maybe just a centimeter long. He began to feel the warm liquid leaving his body from that small wound and he shuddered.

“Are you ok, pet?” Naruto asked him, his hand on his forehead.

“I’m fine, master. Thank you, master.”

“Good,” Naruto said before placing the scalpel on the table. “If you begin to feel dizzy, I want you to tell me, understood?”

“Yes, master.” The words barely left his lips. He felt like everything was fading except for his master. He felt strong and weak at the same time. His left hand on the divan and the other above his heart.

“Let me see,” Naruto commanded and he rested his right hand on his knee. “I want you to tell me what you feel.”

Sasuke lowered his eyes to observe the thin tread of blood on his chest. He couldn’t explain. He took a deep breath, feeling Naruto’s eyes on him as he circled him, walking around the divan.

“It feels like all my blood wants to leave my body,” he begun, “it’s like it’s chanting so it can go to you.” He could feel another drop abandoning his body. “The world is black and white and the only thing with color it’s you,” he gasped. “My whole body is pulsing.”

He moaned loudly when Naruto touched him. The blond’s hand went straight to his neck, checking his pulse. Sasuke kissed the fingers when Naruto was about to retrieve his hand.

“Where you scared when I cut you over your heart?”

“No,” Sasuke answered honestly.

Naruto smiled at him, openly, happily. It wasn’t one of the smiles he reserved for his colleagues or people he met. It was the caring smile he had for Sasuke when he was proud. A single tear escaped Sasuke’s eyes. He closed his eyes raising his head towards the ceiling.

“I love you so much,” Sasuke told him. “So much.” More tears escaped his eyes, and he lowered his head trying to calm himself.

He felt Naruto sit beside him in the divan; he felt a finger touching his cheek and then his chest. He opened his eyes in time to see Naruto lick the finger. His back arched as he gasped, supported by Naruto’s arms and chest.

Sasuke could feel the blood flow decreasing but also felt Naruto’s warm embrace. The blond’s hand wandering over his body, mindful of the blood on his chest. Naruto reached his erection and slowly began to pump it, smiling mischievously at him, acting as if he didn’t notice the pleasurable tremors in Sasuke’s body.

Sasuke reached one hand towards the blond hair, caressing it, displaying his body as well. His breaths were coming short, but he didn’t know if it was the blood loss or how easily Naruto would lick it. Sasuke really believed that when Naruto tasted his blood he was tasting part of him. He felt more vulnerable than on those occasions where they would perform in the arena and it scared him.

“What are you thinking my pet?” Naruto kept stroking his erection.

“I…” Sasuke tried to burry his face on Naruto’s neck. “I don’t want to be apart from you.”

“My beautiful pet,” Naruto cooed, caressing his face, “you don’t have to worry about that. I will never let you go.”

Naruto kissed him again, moving him slowly until he was lying on the divan and Naruto was crawling in top of him. Sasuke opened his legs, presenting himself, but Naruto avoided touching his erection in favor of deepening the kiss. When they broke apart, Sasuke was breathless. He observed how Naruto took a lancet and pierced his thumb. He pressed his ass closer to Naruto’s thighs and waited.

“Are you mine, Sasuke?” At Naruto’s question Sasuke felt tremors wandering through his body.

“Completely.” He licked his lips when the thumb moved closer to his mouth.

“And I’m yours” Naruto whispered. “Because we belong to each other”

Sasuke sucked Naruto’s thumb as he felt the blond lick his wound. He fed off Naruto’s blood as a newborn fed off milk. He felt the faint friction of his master’s cock against his, bringing him to the edge, but what really pushed Sasuke to his climax was when their eyes met. Sasuke saw the love, the adoration, the possessiveness in those eyes that had captivated him from the beginning. He wanted it all, needed it all. Sasuke shouted Naruto’s name, happiness exploding in his heart when the blond called his name in turn.

It was Naruto who got his breath back first. Sasuke almost cried in protest when he broke the embrace. He waited there. Sasuke heard a hiss and turned around to see Naruto cleaning his cut. When he was finished, he came back to the divan holding an antibacterial wipe. He cleaned Sasuke’s chest; when he was done he applied some ointment and covered the small wound with gauze.

“No scar this time.” And Sasuke nodded, his body was master’s to do as he liked.

Naruto went to dispose all the things they had used. When he came back he took Sasuke in his arms and led them to the bed.

“Rest pet, rest,” Naruto ordered him gently as the stroked his hair.

Sasuke lay there calmly, his back to Naruto’s chest. Bathing in Naruto’s warmth, he sighed and purred happily as Naruto placed his leg over his.

“How are you feeling?” the blond asked, resting his weight in one arm to be able to see Sasuke eyes.

“Good master, I’m good.” He smiled. He felt a little dizzy, but he knew he hadn’t lost too much blood. Naruto would never allow it-he knew he was dizzy because of their vows.

“I’m glad,” Naruto said after kissing gently his forehead. “Go to sleep then, when you wake up I’ll order us some food”.

“Okay,” Sasuke said, snuggling closer to the body that embraced him. He could hear his heart, and Naruto’s humming, and it calmed him. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep with Naruto’s hand petting him.

He could hear their hearts and just a murmur.


“You will always be mine.”

- - -

This is a comission for sephonei .:loves:.

I have to thank a few people who helped me with opinion and with the D/s part but I want to thank specially Cai who beta'ed the fic.

Ah~ this is like the second fic I do research for I feel so dirty It was fun J such a challenge! :D I have a lot of background for this fic -info and story- like you wouldn't believe it!

So tell me, did you liked it? did you hated it? Don’t be a stranger and leave me a comment <3

narusasu, d/s, fanfic

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