FanFic: To teach him a lesson...

Nov 25, 2009 19:15

Title: To teach him a lesson...
Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke/Kyuubi
Rating: NC-17 - M ? .:le smut:.
Summary: The semester had just begun and Kyuubi was already causing trouble on campus. What will Naruto do when Kyuubi messes with the wrong person?
Beta: Sognatore (this is a bit embarrasing, someone mentioned that this still have grammar mistakes but wasn't specific... forgive me? English ain't my first language)
Warnings: dub-con, bondage

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Sasuke looked -bored- outside the classroom to the students who walked by on their free period. Today was a nice day; the sun was shinning after a couple cold days and made everyone wish they could be hanging outside instead of being locked in class.

Sasuke we was getting easily distracted but he didn’t care. It wasn’t his fault Naruto was like an incubus! Well, not really, but Naruto seemed to suck all of Sasuke’s energy - when he could barely move Naruto still had energy for another round, and then another, and another...

Sasuke almost moaned. Even though he was slightly sore, last night had been... He sighed. Amazing didn’t even cover it. Naruto had been deliciously aggressive and he loved when Naruto was like that, fucking him raw over and over again; Sasuke loved to let Naruto take pleasure out of his body. Nothing was more exhilarating for Sasuke than when he passed out from pleasure only to regain consciousness to Naruto still fucking him.


Sasuke blinked a couple times and turned around towards his classmate, one eyebrow raising when he noticed the flush on her face.

“What?” He asked her, annoyed.

“Could you stop doing that? Professor Orochimaru is staring at you!”

Sasuke frowned in confusion for a moment, before noticing he had been rubbing the spot on his neck where Naruto had gave him a hickey last night. He was half hard and the class was almost over; he had to calm down, otherwise he would have to leave the classroom like that.

“That good, huh?” Sakura asked him. She cooed when Sasuke glared at her. “Don’t deny it, you’ve been wearing this dreamy expression the entire morning.”

Sasuke cursed inwardly. He knew he couldn’t be too rude to her because she was one of Naruto’s closest friends. Still, ever since Naruto and he had gotten together she seemed to think she had the right to question him.

Sasuke rested his chin on his hand, ignoring her. He was waiting for the end of the class that couldn’t come soon enough. When it was finally time to go, Sasuke stood up quickly and grabbed his books. The sounds of chairs scraping and the chat of his classmates accompanied him on his way out.

“Goodbye, Sakura.” Sasuke said when they reached the doors. She had a class on the opposite side of the campus next, while he had the period free.

He didn’t know what to do. He could go to his place and wait for the next class but he was bored. He moved to the side to let people pass, resting his back on the wall. The other option was to go to the building’s cafeteria and have lunch. It would be a nice change, he didn’t feel like going home.

But just before he reached the door, his cell-phone went off. It was a message from Naruto.

‘class canceled. meet me at the garden’s for lunch?’

“Perfect timing” Sasuke murmured to himself, smiling slightly as he typed, confirming. Turning around to go to the cafeteria near the administrative building known as “the Garden”, Sasuke didn’t see the students approaching until he collided with someone.

“Sorry.” he said carelessly, returning his cell-phone to his jeans.

Before Sasuke could say or do anything else, he felt a hand grabbing his clothes and sending him roughly into the wall.

“Well, pretty boy.” A familiar voice said, invading his personal space as hand seized his chin painfully “You should be more careful, we wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

A burst of laugher followed those words. Sasuke could tell there were at least four different voices. The impact to his head had been strong. and he placed a hand over his eyes when he felt them leave.

After blinking a few times to clear his mind he was able to see Kyuubi’s retreating back. Sasuke loathed that guy. Kyuubi was the captain of the University’s Lacrosse team “The Demons” but he acted more like the bully of the campus.

All of the members were stupid giants but their leader was the biggest. Sasuke didn’t know what Kyuubi was, supposedly, studying. Sasuke guessed teachers let him be because since he had joined the team they had been winning and Lacrosse was the university’s traditional spot.

“What the fuck was that!” Internally, Sasuke patted his back when he didn’t jump after Naruto practically yelled at his face. He was red with anger. “Why didn’t you do something?! I know you can hold your ground.”

When Sasuke didn’t answer right away Naruto’s fist collided with the wall a couple steps away from him. “Well?”

That must have hurt but Sasuke didn’t comment on it. He noticed that Naruto was slightly out of breath, like if he had been running. “He took me by surprise, moron.”

“That fucking asshole!” Naruto exclaimed, making all the students passing by turn around Naruto yelled at them. “What?!”

“You are the one that says we shouldn’t pay him attention.” Sasuke said

“I was talking about me! About him making his nasty comments.” Naruto retorted, outraged “Do you really believe I wouldn’t do anything if he touched you, if he did anything... anything to you!?”

“Calm down, Naruto.” Sasuke shushed, getting closer. He knew he had to calm his boyfriend down now.

“He acts like he owns the freaking campus! He is starting to get physical. He sent a freshman to the hospital. ” Naruto bit his lip when he saw Sasuke’s reaction and explained. “It wasn’t anything too serious. But they did nothing about it! Because they didn’t have enough proof or some such crap.”

“And what are you going to do then, beat him up?” Sasuke asked sarcastically but he was worried, Naruto kept walking in circles muttering to himself.

“I don’t know.” Naruto finally said. He closed his eyes, accepting his boyfriend’s calming hug. “But we have to think in something.”

“I’ll help you” Sasuke whispered to Naruto, holding his gaze “But you need to calm down first, we have to think this through”

“Babe” Naruto whispered, hugging Sasuke tightly “I... I couldn’t run fast enough... I just... couldn’t get here...”

- - -

After a girl that had been running left, Sasuke got off the stationary bike he was using to go and get his backpack. Sasuke was at the university’s gym watching over Kyuubi and he was a little nervous, they were the only people left and Sasuke had to let Naruto know.

After sending Naruto a text message Sasuke looked over the gym making sure they were the last ones. Kyuubi was working on his legs which suited Sasuke just fine.

Sasuke grabbed the cloth and the small bottle that he had “borrowed” from the lab. Coating the cloth with the liquid that would make Kyuubi dizzy, giving them enough time to take him down.

After a few minutes Sasuke heard the door being opened, it was a low noise, only heard by Sasuke because he was expecting it, Naruto came in carrying the bag with everything they would need. The gym was supposed to be still open for an hour but after a week they had observed no one worked out at this time in the night, still, they didn’t want to take chances and Naruto locked the door hoping no one would come tonight. Sasuke nodded to Naruto and took a deep breath.

Sasuke went closer to Kyuubi who was distracted, changing the song on his Ipod. Sasuke could feel Naruto behind him which gave him a sense of security. Sasuke waited a few seconds behind Kyuubi, counting in his head Kyuubi’s breaths. Sasuke’s body’s tensed ready for action when Kyuubi exhaled, moving quickly when he inhaled pressing the cloth over his mouth and nose.

Immediately Kyuubi’s body tensed and his hands shot over Sasuke’s to fight them, Kyuubi sent Sasuke away from him but when Kyuubi tried to stand up he tripped, barely able to catch himself before he fell. Blinking trying to clear his mind, Kyuubi growled and moved a couple of steps getting ready to hit Sasuke. But Kyuubi hadn’t noticed Naruto who had picked the cloth up.

“What do you think you are doing?” Kyuubi angrily asked Sasuke.

But before Kyuubi could do anything, Naruto was there, holding him down. Kyuubi struggled trying to free himself but it was too late, he had inhaled the chemical with full impact, and slowly Kyuubi’s energy seemed to fade. Kyuubi’s arms resting at his sides, all his weight was being supported by Naruto.

For a couple minutes all that could be heard in the gym were Naruto’s and Sasuke’s raged breathing. Neither of them moved until Naruto let Kyuubi fall. Sasuke smirked when he saw Naruto’s grin, Naruto looked like a kid at Christmas when Kyuubi passed out.

“Wow” Naruto said first “That was...”

“Some adrenalin rush?” Sasuke offered.


“Idiot” Sasuke said almost smiling “Do you think I over did it?” Sasuke wondered out loud “I was expecting a little bit more fight”

Naruto snorted “Well” Naruto he said “It’s not like he’ll miss those brain cells” Sasuke chuckled at that “You know” Naruto asked biting his lip “I heard he actually does well in his classes”

When Sasuke saw Naruto wasn’t moving he asked “Are you having second thoughts?” His question made Naruto frown.

“No” Naruto slowly said “Of course not” Naruto shook his head as if he was clearing his mind then, turning off Kyuubi’s Ipod, placed it on a chair.

“How long do we have?” Naruto asked Sasuke as they moved the body towards a bench.

“I don’t know” Sasuke grunted when he almost dropped Kyuubi’s legs “Fifteen minutes maybe”

When Sasuke and Naruto finally reached the bench they let Kyuubi rest there, quickly Sasuke begun to work taking off Kyuubi’s tennis shoes while Naruto went to pick up their backpacks, all the content of Naruto’s spreading on the floor.

“How did you get that?” Sasuke asked when he saw a cheerleader uniform.

“Do you really want to know?” Naruto said with a mischievous grin.

“I think I’ll pass” Sasuke said.

“You get the camera ready” Naruto said “I’ll finish up him”

Sasuke went to his own backpack, first of all making sure he had closed the bottle correctly. After that he took the video camera he had borrowed from Shikamaru; it had a new memory stick, new batteries and it was working perfectly but the nervousness made him check again.

In the meantime Naruto already had Kyuubi in his underwear and was ready to put the uniform on him. Naruto hoped it would fit Kyuubi, but he wasn’t too worried, he had gotten hold on the bigger size and it was made of lycra which in case it barely fit Kyuubi it would help look weird which suited Naruto just fine.

Kyuubi was heavy, to be able to dress him with the top Naruto needed Sasuke’s help to raise his arms. The “D” of the “demons” looked a little weird as the fabric wasn’t meant for broad shoulders but it seemed to fit fine.

The skirt was a different deal, Naruto was trying to do everything by himself and suddenly he felt like he was trying to dress a Barbie, a really big, muscled and a bit dangerous Barbie who could wake up in any moment. They had to hurry.

Finally Naruto took off Kyuubi’s boxers and along with them he grabbed all of Kyuubi’s discarded clothes. After folding them Naruto went to place them along with Kyuubi’s Ipod on the chair. Then he grabbed what was missing, a small vibrator and -he had trouble to find it- a cock-ring, along with a couple more things.

“Gloves?” Sasuke asked him when he coated one finger with lube.

“I’m not touching his ass” Naruto explained, thrusting his finger to loose Kyuubi’s entrance. “He could have cooties” he said chuckling at his own joke.

They felt silent after that, after a minute when Naruto considered Kyuubi was loose he coated the small egg-shaped vibrator and slowly thrust it inside of the red-head. For a second he had wanted to thrust it dry and forcefully but he reminded himself that he didn’t want to actually hurt Kyuubi.

“Aw” Naruto whined “I wanted to use this on you, now I’ll have to get a new one”

“I already told you I’m not using orange sex toys!” Sasuke said exasperated, even with their current situation.

“You are not fun” Naruto pouted making Sasuke stop in mid sentence. How could Naruto, a sex god, a damn fine man who had his finger inside an unconscious man act like a 5 years old? He coughed to mask his astonishment.

“Now what?” Sasuke asked.

“Now we place the cock-ring” Naruto answered him almost cheerfully “Where do you think it’s the best place to tie him up?”

Sasuke almost smiled when noticed the look of concentration on Naruto’s face when he begun to stroke Kyuubi’s dick with his gloved hand until he was semi-erect.

“I think we could leave him there” Sasuke said thoughtfully “We can tie his hands and feet to the bench unless you want him or the weigh machine”

“I’m not sure” Naruto answered Sasuke “We could use him on the weigh machine, but I want to be able to get a picture of his cock and ass”

“In think that one...” Sasuke said pointing towards his left “could work”

Naruto looked to it, humming his appreciation. It was a machine meant for arms -that was obvious because of the weights- but it seemed to work the legs out as well. The machine was shaped as a chair, it wasn’t very high, even when it was off the ground it wasn’t by much, the handles were at shoulder height and, if Naruto was correct, the support for the legs could be adjusted to different heights.

“Perfect” Naruto murmured, they would be able to tie Kyuubi’s hands to the handles, if they added all the weights he wouldn’t he able to move them and if he adjusted the legs Kyuubi would be shamelessly displayed.

“Help me” Naruto asked not before removing the glove he was wearing.

Kyuubi grunted sleepily making Naruto and Sasuke freeze for a moment, when they saw Kyuubi was still unconscious they moved faster. Without words they knew what to do, Sasuke went to get the tape they would use to tie him up meanwhile Naruto was kneeling as he placed Kyuubi on the machine, lifting his leg and putting Kyuubi’s hands like as if he was holding the handles by himself.

When Sasuke arrived at his side, he handed him some tape. The hands were easier to tie up, when he was done Naruto stood up looking at his work pleased the bondage was discreet. The feet were something a bit more difficult, the shape of the machine let the soles of the feet rest comfortably and Naruto feared Kyuubi would be able to get them loose if he tied only the instep.

Naruto considered his best course of action while Sasuke added all the weights to the machine. After a couple minutes of consideration Naruto cut enough tape to roll it around the ankle of the right foot to see if it worked, that way he would have the feet secure before tying them up to the machine. When he made sure Kyuubi wouldn’t be able to move Naruto went to work on the left feet, idly noticing how Kyuubi’s skirt shifted pushing Kyuubi’s erection almost in his face.

Their hearts were beating wildly in their chests but finally they were beginning to settle down now that they had everything ready.

“Take a picture of him” Naruto told Sasuke when they were standing up next to the other.

Sasuke turned the video camera on, setting it to the option for taking pictures and taking a few. Sasuke’s eyes widened slightly when he saw the results, Naruto’s choice had been great. The way Kyuubi’s arms were held up and his legs kept apart gave him perfect view of Kyuubi’s erection which was framed by the uniform’s skirt. From the place where they were standing you could see the cord of the vibrator Kyuubi had in his ass -a vibrator that had a remote.

While Sasuke kept checking the pictures as Naruto placed one hand on Sasuke’s hip, resting his head on his boyfriends shoulder and sighing.

“Are you getting hard?” Sasuke asked, not as indignant as he thought he should be. Naruto whispered his affirmation and even though Sasuke couldn’t see his face, he could feel it heating up and that was enough to make Sasuke calm down, he knew it was natural for Naruto to feel aroused at such display.

They stayed like that, close to the other waiting for Kyuubi to wake up. Luckily for them they didn’t have to wait much longer, slowly Kyuubi started to gain consciousness groaning and grunting as if he was in pain, probably a headache was coming.

“Show time” Naruto whispered letting Sasuke go.

Naruto walked slowly towards Kyuubi while Sasuke stayed behind getting the video recording (could also be “video recorder) ready.

Kyuubi seemed to come back to his senses slowly. When he finally assessed the situation he begun to thrash wildly. Naruto stood calmly with his hands over his chest watching Kyuubi intensely as he tried to free himself, not fazed at all when Kyuubi started yelling threats. He noticed the frown on the red-head when their eyes met and the moment of recognition.

“You fucking asshole!” Kyuubi said shaking one of his feet “I’m gonna rip your dick off when I’m out of here. Untie me damnit! You...” Kyuubi paled noticing Sasuke and the video-camera for the first time “Turn that thing off. I’m gonna hunt you down and make you-”

“Enough” Naruto’s deep voice interrupted, turning the vibrator on to the maximum level making Kyuubi gasp loudly.

“Turn it... turn it off” Kyuubi was barely able to choke out.

But Naruto didn’t listen, he kept it on for a couple minutes until he saw that Kyuubi was starting to sweat.

“I make the rules here, understood?” Naruto said firmly as he lowed the intensity of the vibrator.

“What do you want?” Kyuubi growled, letting his head rest on the backrest.

“For you to stop” Naruto told him.

“What?” Kyuubi tried to keep his posture relaxed but he couldn’t fool Naruto.

“I’m tired of you pushing everybody around!” Naruto suddenly exploded “So either you start to leave everybody alone or...”

“Or what?” Kyuubi challenged.

“I think that would be obvious” Naruto said regaining his composure “Or we will release a video tape of the Team’s captain dressed as a cheerleader and turned on by it”

“You son of a b-”

“Language!” Naruto said turning on the vibrator again.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you” Kyuubi said half glaring “Oh... gods” He moaned biting his lip. “So what? Leave you and your pretty boyfriend alone? Fuck!” Kyuubi growled.

“No, I’m talking about everybody” Naruto said coming closer to Kyuubi “I’m tired of you acting like you own the place”

“But I do own the place scar-face” Kyuubi mocked him “What? You and your loser friends can’t handle it? I’d cry, but I’m a little busy right now” He said with disdain.

“You’re wrong” Naruto answered calmly looking down at Kyuubi “But you did mess with the wrong person”

And before Kyuubi could say anything else Naruto raised the vibrator to the maximum level once again. He walked towards Sasuke who had been filming everything. “Idiot” Sasuke said fondly, Sasuke felt warm to think Naruto would go to such lengths for him.

By now Kyuubi was thrusting his hips into the air, biting his lips to try to stop any sounds of pleasure leaving his mouth, his hand had a strong hold on the handles of the machine and for a moment Naruto thought Kyuubi was going to lift all the weights.

“Turn it off” Kyuubi said shaking his head, his body already tense and sweaty.

“You are awfully comfortable with a vibrator in your ass” Naruto said suddenly “Have you had cock before?” Naruto asked Kyuubi while he played with the remote.

“Fuck!” Kyuubi cursed, his eyes rolling back at the pleasure.

“But you are too sensitive” Naruto continued “I bet it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” He stopped the vibrations and restarted them abruptly “It’s been a long time since you last had a cock buried inside of you” Sasuke moaned his agreement making Naruto smile.

Naruto could read Kyuubi’s face easily. The sensations were overcoming Kyuubi’s logic. He eyed the image in the camera and was almost surprised when he saw Sasuke was taking a close-up of Kyuubi’s asshole. It amused him when he realized that it seemed like they were shooting a porn movie and they waited for moment was about to come.

Naruto smiled wickedly when he saw Kyuubi’s toes curl in pleasure, his moans were escalating in volume and he was almost screaming by now but as Naruto expected not only from the pleasure but Kyuubi also whined in pain.

“No, no, no” Kyuubi chanted as the cock-ring did its work preventing him from coming.

“Oh yes” Naruto answered his un-spoken question turning the vibrator off “You didn’t even notice until now, tsk... tsk... if you want to come you are gonna have to work harder”

“Fuck you” Kyuubi spat. “I’m not...”

“Begging? Yes you are” Naruto smirked before turning it on again.

“Aaaaah!” Kyuubi moaned when the vibrator shifted inside of him, pressing deeper and harder into his oversensitive nerves.

Naruto’s hands twitched. He was playing carelessly with the remote when he felt Sasuke behind him. Carefully, Sasuke placed the camera in front of Naruto so he could keep videotaping, embracing him with his left hand. He rocked lightly his hips into Naruto’s ass, using that hand to stroke blonde’s erection over his pants.

“Don’t do that” Naruto moaned, holding the camera when Sasuke told him to.

Once Sasuke had his hands free he undid the zipper of Naruto’s pants, loving the low hiss Naruto made when he touched his erection and begun to pump it, noticing how Kyuubi’s eyes were staring at them and how he licked his lips.

Sasuke loved the feeling of Naruto’s hot and thick erection. If he could, Sasuke knew he would be sucking Naruto off. But tonight he had another agenda. He kept pumping while he used his other hand to reach to his back pocket and take out a condom. Very carefully he ripped the wrapping and in one smooth movement he covered Naruto’s erection with it.

“What?” Naruto numbly asked when he felt the condom, but instead of answering Sasuke took back the camera with his free hand and pushed Naruto towards Kyuubi who -Sasuke had to admit- was something else. Sasuke knew he would be begging by now.

“You want this, don’t you?” Sasuke asked Kyuubi, not acknowledging Naruto’s question. But Kyuubi didn’t say anything, he just stared. “I know you do. And tonight you can have it” Kyuubi took a deep breath “You just have to say it.”

Kyuubi opened his eyes and locked with Naruto’s, trembling “Please” He mouthed “Fuck me.” Naruto’s entire body shook, Kyuubi looked so needy like that, tied up, his cock an angry red leaking with pre-come, his eyes teary. He was torturing him with pleasure and it turned him on.

“Fuck him” Sasuke said as he coated Naruto’s erection with lube.

“I’m not going to prepare you” Naruto suddenly said, eyeing Kyuubi and his reactions “I’m just going to take you” Naruto grunted thrusting into Sasuke’s hand “I’m not going to be gentle” Kyuubi moaned “We’ll have everything on tape” Naruto warned tilting his head to let Sasuke lick his neck “And if I’m feeling sadistic, I’ll make you watch it again.”

“Oh fuck... yeah” Kyuubi said, closing his eyes in pleasure, he didn’t notice Sasuke’s smirk or hear Naruto’s next words, he was too far gone. He couldn’t remember another time where he had been so turned on.

Sasuke disentangled himself from Naruto and pushed him towards the red-head. Sasuke kneeled in from of them adjusting his own erection as Naruto ripped out the egg-shaped vibrator from Kyuubi. He focused the camera on Kyuubi’s asshole, it was clenching with need, almost immediately sucking in the tip of Naruto’s erection but Naruto was holding himself back. Sasuke’s own asshole clenched at the image of his boyfriend’s dick.

Sasuke was concentrating on the erection that wasn’t moving until he looked over the small screen and saw that Naruto was looking at him. “Fuck” Sasuke whispered at the raw lust he saw in Naruto’s eyes and, licking his lips, he nodded.

Kyuubi’s moan was long and grave with a hint of pain. But Naruto didn’t give him time to adjust, placing his hands on Kyuubi’s hips he started fucking him right away, moaning at the tightness.

“How long?” Naruto asked him “How long since someone fucked you?” Naruto clarified when Kyuubi’s eyes asked “what?”

“Years” Kyuubi told him, moaning at a particular hard thrust. “Let me come” He pleaded “I can’t stand it anymore”

“Not yet” Naruto simple answered him “Put on a condom” He ordered Sasuke “Do it”

Sasuke clumsily did, moving towards them at Naruto’s sign.

“If you want to come” Naruto told Kyuubi as he licked the red-head’s neck “I already told you have to work for it”

Kyuubi turned his head, almost entirely swallowing Sasuke’s erection in one go, but Sasuke was too stunned to react correctly.

“Slowly, slowly” Naruto said, gently grabbing Kyuubi’s chin “Watch the camera”

Sasuke gasped when Kyuubi did as told, Kyuubi’s eyes were on him through the lens, his tongue long and slick, licking his erection from his balls to the tip and he sucked the tip but it was Naruto’s low “just like that” that undid him, come filling the condom as he harshly grabbed Kyuubi’s hair to hold himself up. He just hoped the camera had caught that moment.

“Good boy” Naruto praised when Kyuubi let Sasuke’s erection slip out of his mouth. Sasuke’s quiet “fuck” as he let himself fall on a machine next to them amused him.

“Please” were the only coherent words Kyuubi could make after Naruto began to thrust again with full force, rocking their bodies and shaking the machine he was tied up to. Moans and whimpers filled the gym along with the sound of flesh against flesh.

It was so much pleasure, Kyuubi was barely able to realise when Naruto undid the cock-ring until he was coming. He wouldn’t be able to say if this had been the best orgasm in his life because he had felt Naruto’s hand touching his thigh and after that everything was white. The only sound and sensation was the cock pulsing in his ass.

- - -

It’s was a cold day again, Sasuke sighed contentedly when Naruto embraced him, they were waiting for Sakura outside the building were she was having class so she could give a book back to Sasuke.

It was a quiet atmosphere as almost all of the students were inside, but the sound of the door opening filled the atmosphere followed by the laugher of a group of students that left the building. They were chatting carelessly about the next weekend’s activities but it was the mention of the upcoming match that made Naruto turn his head towards them and, as if by coincidence, his eyes caught Kyuubi’s.

“Good luck tomorrow” Naruto mouthed only for Kyuubi to see, Kyuubi’s eyes shining intensely.

“Stop teasing him” Sasuke told him, his face still buried buried in the crook of Naruto’s neck.

Naruto only smirked.

- - - - -

Dedicated to Cupricanka because I feel like it :P and to ivvymoon because there were a couple moments where I just thought "what would ivvy do?" I'm serious XD

Also... this is somehow in the same universe than " Late at night" you know that for some reason I like to keep my oneshots in the same universe so I decided to make a college!universe :D

And damn... there are so many things I would like to say about this fic, but I'm afraid the AN would be bigger than the fic itself... XD


naru/sasu/kyuu, fanfic, college!fic

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