ayyyyyyy f-list

Feb 07, 2012 21:42

How're you? I hope you're well~ Haven't posted in a while so have a meme!

I'm running a test to see who's reading my posts. So, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day that starts with the third letter of your LJ USERNAME. Only one word please. Then repost so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy - that's not as much fun.

I'll even start!


I'm 99.999% sure that my thyroid is messing with my body again (for those who don't know, I have an underactive thyroid) because A: My doctor told me to stop taking my medication about 5 months ago because my thyroid was 'okay', which apparently was very wrong!!! and B: I've been averaging over 10 hours of sleep PER NIGHT without even trying :|

I feel like I did before I found out my thyroid was messed up which is basically like being on a permanent crash from a sugar high :\ it sucks and I'm super lethargic and it's so annoying because I actually am hanging out with people more, but it's hard because I've been so exhausted and sapped of energy =_= Also, since I've been super tired, I have no energy to exercise, which sucks a lot since I was kind of on a roll for a couple weeks ;( AND I've been ingesting more caffeine than I probably should to combat my sleepiness so :||| that's not good either.

ANYWAY, I hope y'all are well and doing better than my tired ass, lmao ♥

hate my thyroid, memeeeeee, my life, hey f-list

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