Man, I love him so much T_T And kinda miss his longer hair ;_;<3 But mainly I just miss seeing him in general(especially after all the Soulmate spam we've had last month and now the lull in basically everyone but Jae ;~;) Ugh, November 12th, you are a looming date, but a date I would like to be here all the same T______________________T
Also, I have had the Brown Eyed Girl's mini album?(idk, I dled it and it had 'Sign', a remix of 'Sign', an AWESOMEEEE remix of 'Abracadabra', and then '잠에 취해' on it >>;) on all day. FFF, I LOVE IT. So addicting and worth dancing too :3
I talked to my mom today too :3 We watched the Eagles game together while talking over the phone and it was nice. Though the surprising thing was that she randomly asked me about the henna tattoo I had gotten back at the beginning of October(which has been gone since like, 2 weeks ago XD) if it was still on, which I said no. So she then tells me that she really liked it and thought it was nice and pretty. At this point I'm just all ':OOO well I've told you that I want to get a tattoo on my foot right?' to which she says yes AND THAN OUT OF NOWHERE TELLS ME THAT IF I GET INTO AT SCHOOL NEXT SEMESTER, SHE'LL BUY MY TATTOO WHEN I COME HOME FOR THE SUMMER ;___; I started shaking as, lol sad to say, but I think that is totally an awesome incentive to study a little harder XD AND THEN IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH, she continues on about Korean and such because apparently she's been researching Athletic Training lately? And was looking at starting salaries and told me that if I got my BS in AT that she would sent me to grad school to get my degree in Korean. I HAVE NO CLUE HOW THIS CAME UP OR ANYTHING BUT OMG, GETTING THIS ON TAPE OR IN WRITING WHEN I GO HOME FOR THANKSGIVING IN 3 WEEKS. djhgsdhgskdjh Just, it completely threw me off tonight and made me slightly excited XD
/SLIGHTLY(as the frat I went to on Halloween is having a pirate themed party next weekend >>; BUT AFTER THIS WEEK I HAVE NO WEEKS FOR A WEEK, SO I'M GOOD!)
Hope things with you are well~<3!