Oct 26, 2009 22:13



Reference pic:

kjsdhkjshgskjhfsdlkj 3 1/2 days WELL SPENT I'm so happy with it *___*, I'm not even going to lie XD Like...yeah, there are A LOT of things I could nitpick the hell out of(like the fact I hate drawing clothing and hense get lazy when I do it ~_~;;;; and let's not talk about the left side of his throat, that's where I started this, so it got changed like 235324234 times and then I couldn't fix it anymore cause conte is persnickety after you erase/blend it after a certain amount of times ;__; ) BUT BUT BUT it's my first time using conte sinceeee, June of '08? So almost a year and a half sooo XD I APPROVE. though I now need to go find some fixitive spray shit to spray it so I can send it to purplesky DX

Butttt, now I'm gonna take at least a break until wednesday(or tomorrow night when I get tired of studying for my AT test) But if I'm going the way I'm going, Ho or Su is *~*leave me some pics of them XD*~*???

Also, besides being done this, I had my bio test today D: IDEK how I did, but I knew A LOTTTT more this time around as apposed to my first test so /CROSSES FINGERS. My prof is posting the answer key tomorrow(as we get to take our tests with us) so I'll know by tomorrow DDDDDDDD:

Besides thatttttt, I have another vocab test in Korean tomorrow(I swear, I feel like every lecture I have one now ._.) and then another Lesson test next wednesday and oral test that friday, an AT test on wednesday and a research paper for that due the 4th :|, and then a stat test and developmental psych test in two weeks? IDK, my tests are getting pretty spread out, which is nice, but ugh, that means I basically have a test every week and dkjhdjhjd DNW STRESS. Plus I have to choose my classes for next semester this week O_O; Though I already know that I'm taking Korean 2, my EMT class, and public speaking.I have to take another writing intensive class, but I'm hoping to find a linguistics class that would be considered writing intensive just incase and to see how I like linguistics, then I'm gonna try to squeeze in this piano class Pitt offers :3

Well, I'm off to go do my Bio lab and 한 국 어 공 부 해 요 ㅋㅋㅋ ^^;
Hope y'all are well!

lawl fanart lawl, jaejoong dazzles me 24/7, real life say what?, p-i-t-t let's go pitt!

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