Apr 17, 2009 21:42


That's the reaction of the 3 interested guys XD.

Then, nakai as cute as usual---

And then SHOOT directly from 1994! XD nakai....


Nakai's reactions are always the BEST....
....while kimura....

He also remmberd a funny episode XD. With goro who was supposed to be an outlaw...and had to ride for like 100 m
a motorbike. However something left kimura astonished. XD 

XDD omg that's so much fun!! He does the sound of the bike as it was supposed to be....and this one is Goro's 

Many japanese onnas appeard. WOOOO. There are models, wheather forecasters, athles and super famous voices of cartoons (goku, doraemon and minami-chan)

NO KIDDING. I want to be one. AAAAaaawww look at thos bowsss 

Just liked the sexy pose


I really like this model. She's gorgeous and has a great outfit....but I also like how she speaks and her kindness 

Kimura's face at the model worried about the bad custom to strip in front of people

XD he was so serious and repeted it like a few times. He was even shocked because she thought that was a poblem

AGAIN...xD and tka-san is like DYING

Then Nakai said that it is a kind of problem...because he dosn't find turning on a girl who so openly wants to have sex with you. I guess he likes more the saint vergin type. So he was saying that it's like a turn off a gilr who appears.....
the big joke is because they were actually promoting their song SONO MAMA

I want that pretty hair

The girls had to take out some poles to decide which team they had to cheere for. So nakai previously avverted them not to make faces if they'd have the utaban team...XD they should be like "YATTAAA!!". And that's his face at forecaster who offerd a kinda disgusted and sad Y-yatta.... XD omg I love that man

One day I'll go to my hair stylist with this pic

Look at the models <3333 compared to the athlets

They won yaaaaaaay!!! But...

Waaaaaaaaah kawaiiiii


They were told beyoncè would come for the final game... they have to choose things in order to have her weight 

Yup it's her 


Super winners.... (her wheight is of 71.5,..........)


After watching this, I seriously started loving SMAP as a group and not only Kimura-kun

long post is long, smap tachi, gotta get smap in your life, oh kimura, terebi

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