1000 O_o Oooi!! wait for me

Sep 24, 2009 11:47

This morning I woke up really really early (i.e. 8 a.m. ...XP) to bid on e-bay...and I actually got an uber cute scheduler of Rilakkuma!! YAY me!
Anyways, then I decided it was time to make some new icons for this poor LJ..and I made 'em! ^^
After that I thought to say hello to people on facebook (man I so so so so SO hate that stupid fb!!) and I looooooooove how after that I thought "mou ii...!! now let's think about serious stuff: I NEED TO UPLOAD MY NEW ICONSS!!" XD it was so spontaneous that it surprised me

I ended up deleting this 3 icons that are very very old (I think they were made around the time of the birth of this LJ...). I clearly remember my very first icon made for this LJ.... it was a Kimura one >o<... black with "Takuya" on it heeeeheeeheee

after these NEWS-ish icons I remember there was a PROPOSAL DAISAKUSE batch, then a MY BOSS MY HERO batch then a KUBOZUKA

the only surviver from the Kubo batch (I lurve this icon so much! i just can't delete it )

batch.....and finally

SUMAPPU batch<3

Now I don't know what to do!! Mama told me to put the meal in the oven at a certain time... but she's not back yet. Oh thank god she's here.

Ja neeee

smap tachi, get a life, random

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